Chapter 56 Vocab.

Alveolar osteitis

Pain and inflammation resulting from exposed bone associated with the disturbance of a blood clot after extraction of a tooth.


The surgical shaping and smoothing of the margins of the tooth socket after the extraction of a tooth, generally in preparation for placement of a prosthesis.

Bone file

Surgical instrument used to smooth rough edges of bone structure.


Surgical instrument used for cutting or severing a tooth and bone structure.


Surgical instrument used to remove tissue from a tooth socket.


Act of placing on an item, such as gloves; dressing.


Surgical instrument used to reflect and retract the periodontal ligament and periosteum.

Excisional biopsy

Surgical procedure in which tissue is cut from a suspected oral lesion.

Exfoliative biopsy

Diagnostic procedure in which cells are scraped from a suspected oral lesion for analysis.


Surgical instrument used to grasp and hold onto teeth for their removal.

Hard tissue impaction

Oral condition in which a tooth is partially to fully covered by bone and gingival tissue.


Surgical instrument used to hold or grasp items.

Impacted tooth

Tooth that has not erupted.

Incisional biopsy

Section of suspect oral lesion that is removed for evaluation.


to dislocate, as a tooth from its socket.


Hammer-like instrument used with a chisel to section teeth or bone.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMFS)

Dentist who has specialized in surgeries of the head and neck region.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Dental surgical specialty that diagnoses and treats conditions of the mouth, face, jaws, and associated areas.


Patient seen and treated by a physician, then sent home for recovery.


Surgical instrument used to hold soft tissue away from the surgical site.


Surgical instrument used to cut and trim the alveolar bone.

Root tip picks

Surgical instrument used for the removal of root tips or fragments from the surgical site.


Surgical knife.

Soft tissue impaction

Oral condition in which a tooth is partially to fully covered by gingival tissue.