Skull labeling

Coronal suture

Squamous suture

Lamboid suture

Sagittal suture

Frontal bone

Parietal bone

Occipital bone

Temporal bone

Sphenoid bone

Anterior view

Sphenoid bone

Lateral view

Sphenoid bone

Inferior view

Ethmoid bone

Inferior view

Ethmoid bone

Anterior view

External auditory meatus

External auditory meatus

Mastoid process

Mastoid process

Inferior view

Styloid process

Lateral view

Styloid process

Inferior view

Mandibular fossa

Lateral view

Mandibular fossa

Inferior view

Zygomatic process

Zygomatic process

Inferior view

Sella turcica

Greater wing of sphenoid bone

Lesser wing of sphenoid

Crista galli of ethmoid bone

Close up

Crista galli

Superior view

Cribiform plate

Perpendicular plate

Foramen magnum

Occipital condyle


Condylar process

Mandibular notch

Coronoid process

Temporomandibular joint

Body of mandible



Zygomatic bones

Palatine bone



Anterior view

Nasal bone

Bones that form the orbits

Ignore the arrow
Look at the:
-frontal bone (yellow)
-Sphenoid (pink)
-Zygomatic (blue)
-Maxilla (purple)
-Palatine (tiny really light yellow part above maxilla next to ethmoid)
-Ethmoid (orange)
-Lacrimal (green)

Lacrimal bone

Lacrimal bone

Lateral view


Body hyoid

Zygomatic process of temporal bone

Temporal process of zygomatic bone