Bone Fractures


Bone breaks into 2+ parts that are misaligned


Bone breaks, but maintains proper alignment


Breaks through skin (may retract into wound)


No puncture or open wound

Greenstick Fracture

Incomplete fracture where bone is bent (most commonly seen in children)

Transverse Fractures

Break occurs at a right angle to the long axis of the bone

Oblique Fracture

Fracture has a curved/sloped angle in relation to the axis of the bone.

Comminuted Fracture

Fracture of bone into several pieces

Colles/buckle Fracture

Fracture caused by bone ends driving into each other

Stress Fracture

Fracture due to repetitive or prolonged forces

Compression Fracture

Fracture of Vertebrae or Calcaneous (Caused by excessive stress and bones pushing into each other)

Epiphyseal Fracture

A fracture between the epiphysis and the epiphyseal plate of a growing bone.

Pathologic Fracture

Fracture caused by a disease that weakens bone


Bone breaks into 2+ parts that are misaligned


Bone breaks, but maintains proper alignment


Breaks through skin (may retract into wound)


No puncture or open wound

Greenstick Fracture

Incomplete fracture where bone is bent (most commonly seen in children)

Transverse Fractures

Break occurs at a right angle to the long axis of the bone

Oblique Fracture

Fracture has a curved/sloped angle in relation to the axis of the bone.

Comminuted Fracture

Fracture of bone into several pieces

Colles/buckle Fracture

Fracture caused by bone ends driving into each other

Stress Fracture

Fracture due to repetitive or prolonged forces

Compression Fracture

Fracture of Vertebrae or Calcaneous (Caused by excessive stress and bones pushing into each other)

Epiphyseal Fracture

A fracture between the epiphysis and the epiphyseal plate of a growing bone.

Pathologic Fracture

Fracture caused by a disease that weakens bone