Org. Change and Transformation Exams

According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, to demonstrate that you embrace a sense of urgency, you should do all of the following except,
-bark orders to show you are serious
-purge and delegate
-move with speed
-speak with passion
-match words and

bark orders to show you are serious

According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, what is dangerous about true urgency?
-it leads to success which then leads to complacency
-it can hurt your feelings
-true urgency is likely to cause burn out
-urgency is always false and built on faulty

it leads to success which then leads to complacency

According to Kotter (1996) in Leading Change, sources of complacency include all of the following except:
-too many visible resources
-organizational structures that focus employees on narrow functional goals
-human nature, with its capacity for denial, e

all of the above are sources of complacency

In a Sense of Urgency, Kotter (2010) discussed 4 dangerous mistakes related to crises. Which is not one of them?
-not keeping the CEO (or Board) informed about the crisis you are creating.
-passively sitting and waiting for a crisis (which may never come)

not keeping the CEO (or Board) informed about the crisis you are creating

According to Kotter (1996) in Leading Change, what is true about leadership?
-it is a set of processes designed to keep a complicated system of people and technology running smoothly.
-it includes planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, accounting, con

none of the above

According to Kotter (1996) in Leading Change, the most common errors the change process include all of the following except:
-underestimating the power of vision
-ensuring top management support before beginning the process
-under communicating division b

ensuring top management support before beginning the process

According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, what is the single biggest error people make when they try to change?
-the vision was wrong
-they did not communicate clearly
-they did not communicate enough
-they did not create a high enough sense or ur

they did not create a high enough sense of urgency

According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, those with a false sense of urgency tend to be all of the following except:


According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, complacency
-is almost always the product of failure or perceived failure
-is almost always the product of micromanagement or perceived micromanagement
-is almost always the product of complexity or percei

is almost always the product of success or perceived success

According to Kotter (2010) in a Sense of Urgency, gathering data is a useful way to do all of the following except:
-win hearts
-increase urgency
-reduce the internal-to-external disconnect
-show your subordinates that you are smarter than they are

show your subordinates that you are smarter than they are

According to Kotter (2010) in a Sense of Urgency, if you are acting with urgency, you might engage in all of the following actions except:
-convene a committee next month so people can talk about the problem
-demonstrate your own sense of urgency

convene a committee next month so people can talk about the problem

According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, organizations control behavior in predictable ways. What is not true about how organizations control behavior?
-the first is formal and hard: structures, processes, systems, and rules
-the second is inform

all of the above is true

According to Kotter (1996) in Leading Change, key elements in the effective communication of vision include:
-Rigor: all jargon must be included so experts grapple with the details
-Repetition: ideas sink in deeply only after they have been heard many tim

repetition: ideas sink in deeply only after they have been heard many times

According to Kotter (1996) in Leading Change, ways to raise the urgency level include all of the following except:
-set revenue, income, productivity, customer satisfaction, and cycle-time targets so high that they can't be reached by conducting business

decentralize the organization (in organizations, this takes the form of deregulation)

According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, all of the following questions are indications that you have complacency or false urgency except:
-do people have trouble scheduling meetings on important initiatives ("because, well, my agenda is so full

all of the above are indicators that you have complacency or false urgency

According to Kotter (1996) in Leading Change, ways to raise the urgency level include:
-put more honest discussions of the firm's problems in company newspapers and senior management speeches
-send more data about customer satisfaction and financial perfo

all of the above

According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, what is not true of NoNos?
-NoNos are highly skilled urgency killers
-If a NoNo cannot undermine attempts at diminishing a contentment with the status quo, he will switch tactics and create anxiety or ange

Good organizations are NoNo free

According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, what is not true about creating a crisis to increase urgency?
-Crises are best used to get rid of political enemies who vie with you for leadership roles
-you may be able to create crises through stretch g

crises are best used to get rid of political enemies who vie with you for leadership roles

In a Sense of Urgency, Kotter (2010) estimates that _______ % of change efforts fail


According to Kotter (2010) in a Sense of Urgency, what activity is consistent with behaving with true urgency?
-attending 6-8 meetings per day
-ensuring that you have the most accurate spread sheets
-eliminating activities that no longer add high value

eliminating activities that no longer add high value

According to Kotter (2010), in A Sense of Urgency, what is true about the metaphor of a burning platform?
-crises are not always bad things
-when there is a burning platform, people in the organization shake off complacency because they sense a real dange

both A and B

According to Kotter (1996) in Leading Change, sources of complacency include all of the following except:
-lack of CEO buy-in
-the absence of a major and visible crisis
-low overall performance standards
-internal measurement systems that focus on the wro

lack of CEO buy-in

According to Kotter (2010) in A Sense of Urgency, three effective strategies for dealing with NoNos include all of the following except:
-distracting them
-giving them a new title
-immobilizing them with social pressure
-push them out of the organization

giving them a new title

According to Kotter (2010), in A Sense of Urgency, people resist sharing outside information broadly with mangers or employees for all of the following reasons except:
-they sincerely believe that their people can handle their own issues
-they believe mos

they sincerely believe that their people can handle their own issues

Rank order the elements of Kotter's 8-stage process from earliest to latest:
-Establishing a sense of urgency, creating the guiding coalition, generating short-term wins, developing a vision and strategy, communicating the change vision
-communicating the

communicating the change vision, empowering broad-based action, generating short-term wins, consolidating gains in producing more change, anchoring new approaches in the culture

According to Kotter(2010) in Buy-in, opponents will challenge with multiple questions such as: What about this, and that, and this, and that...? What is not true about this approach?
-The opponents who ask so many question are often serious and they will

the opponents who ask so many questions are often serious and they will often be convinced with enough compelling evidence

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, which is not a good response to We've been successful, so why change?
-Acknowledge that we have been successful in the past
-surely we have all seen that those who fail to adapt eventually become extinct
-life evolve

all of the above are good responses

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, what is not true about the objection that Money is the only real issue?
-money is almost never a significant issue because resources are always limited
-money easily becomes an emotional issue
-it can drag you into a

all of the above are true

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, what is true about delay?
-a delay strategy usually sounds reasonable because many legitimate, pressing issues are always vying for attention
-it is a poor strategy because it does not have the power to actually kill

a delay strategy usually sounds reasonable because many legitimate, pressing issues are always vying for attention

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, what is true about ridicule?
-the proposers may be made to look silly. Questions may be raised about competence
-there is a sense that the attacker feels awkward even bringing up a subject, but he nevertheless feels

the proposers may be made to look silly. questions may be raised about competence

Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, advises all of the following except:
-don't scheme to keep potential opponents out of the discussion
-let adversaries into the discussion
-let them shoot at you
-encourage opponents to shoot at you
-Kotter advises all of the abov

Kotter advises all of the above

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, an audience will become sympathetic to your attacker if:
-you are too respectful when they have a clear and obvious advantage over you
-if you refuse to fight back forcefully when baited
-they present facts that you

you meet attacks with counter attacks

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, what is not true about Buy-in?
-truth always rises to the top and the good ideas you champion can simply stand on their own
-sensible ides can be ignored or shot down
-sensible ideas can be wounded so badly that they

truth always rises to the top and the good ideas you champion can simply stand on their own

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, you need all of the above except:
-you must demonstrate that you can answer the questions completely
-you must win over hearts
-you must capture attention
-you must win their minds

you must demonstrate that you can answer the question completely

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, what is true about fear mongering?
-this kind of attack strategy is aimed at quelling anxieties so that the attacker can methodically dice and slice the logic of the proposal
-fear mongering is a misnomer. there is n

After fear mongering has been deployed, people begin to worry that implementing a genuinely good plan, pursuing a great idea, or making a needed vision a reality might be filled with frightening risks-even though that is not really the case

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, what is true about how you handle the opposition?
-try your best to stop foolish attacks
-return ridicule with ridicule
-crush attackers with counterattacks to demonstrate your command of the subject
-always be respe

always be respectful

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, what is not true about how fear mongering works?
-fear mongering is all about using air-tight logic to instill fear in the decision makers
-the trick is to start with an undeniable fact and then to spin a tale that e

fear mongering is all about using air tight logic to instill fear in the decision makers

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, what happens if you win a simple majority (51%) of the vote?
-you win the vote and you will succeed
-your opponents will now agree with you and get behind your cause
-with 51, you are not in the slightest wa

with 51, you are not in the slightest way guaranteed that a good idea will be implemented successfully

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, which is not one of the four attack strategies?
-fear mongering


According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, what is true about the support you are seeking?
-you must watch the crowd very carefully
-you must work to convert the attackers in order to win the crowd
-you just need a minority of the population to get behind you

you must watch the crowd very carefully

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, when an opponent attacks with, Aha! you can't deny this!, you should:
-counter-attack and hit back hard
-quickly come up with a great solution to the new problem even if it is not fully developed
-if you were caught

if you were caught off guard, point out, honestly that you are indeed hearing this for the first time

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, when an attacker says, It's too difficult to understand, a good response is:
-no it is not
-you are right, it is too difficult to understand
-people don't understand the things that they can't comprehend
-we will mak

we will make the required effort to convince them. it's worth the effort to do so

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, there are three basic hurdles to overcome in the audience's thinking. Which is not one of them?
-okay, a problem exists, but we don't trust you.
-okay, a problem exists and your solution is a good one, but it will ne

okay, a problem exists, but we don't trust you

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, when an attacker says: To generate this many questions and concerns, the idea has to be flawed, all of the following are acceptable responses except:
-recognize that many questions are good because it shows we are en

make it clear that existing concerns are really only functions of misunderstandings or not fully understanding the proposal. explain that more data will make the proposal clearer

According to Kotter (2010), in Buy-in, how should you respond to the attack: You exaggerate the problem?
-no I don't
-this is a great threat to our existence
-you are right. I exaggerate
-to the good people who suffer because of this problem, the problem

to the good people who suffer because of this problem, the problem certainly doesn't look small

When our goals have eroded, according to systems thinking, it is because of which of the following pressure(s)?
-to lower our goals
-to achieve homeostasis
-to improve the situation
-A and C only

A and C only

Senge said what about circles of causality:
-reality is made up of straight lines in linear time and space, but when we convert them into triangles, we may not see a pattern emerge
-what we see depends on narratives of power and oppression in accordance w

western language, with its reliance on indirect objects and direct objects has a bias toward a cyclical view of reality

What is true about delays in a system?
-delays between action consequences are everywhere in human systems
-delays can make you badly overshoot your mark
-unrecognized delays can also lead to instability and breakdown
-all of the above

all of the above

According to Senge, a reinforcing loop may be discussed as all of the following except:
-the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
-the pushback to the status quo
-a vicious circle
-a snowball effect

the pushback to the status quo

Please order the shifting the burden process from beginning to end (read this carefully):
-identify the problem symptom, identify a fundamental solution, identify one or several symptomatic solutions, identify the possible negative side effects

identify the problem symptom, identify a fundamental solution, identify one or several symptomatic solutions, identify the possible negative side effects

All of the following are true about leverage except:
-small, well focused actions can sometimes produce significant improvements
-high leverage changes are usually not obvious
-high leverage changes are closer in time and space (e.g. the distance between

high leverage changes are closer in time and space (e.g. the distance between cause and effect) than low leverage changes

What is not true about a reinforcing process as described in the Fifth Discipline?
-a small change builds on itself
-whatever movement occurs is amplified
-an example might be a run on the bank, or panic to sell some type of stock
-an example may be posit

all of the above are true

Drinking is an example of shifting the burden of strategy. What is not true about this process?
-alcohol is a symptomatic solution
-it gives the person the feeling of having solved the problem
-as self-confidence and judgement atrophy, they're less and le

it is evident that health is affected

According to Senge, the best, or optimal, rate of growth for every business is:
-10% annually
-25% annually
-50% annually
-grow as fast as one can grow
-there is no optimal percentage - optimal growth is far less than the fastest growth possible

there is no optimal percentage - optimal growth is far less than the fastest growth possible

According to Senge, the harder you push, the harder the system pushes back. This is known as:
-compensating feedback
-dynamic interdependence
-refeed mobility
-feedforward manipulation

compensating feedback

What is true about the balancing process?
-balancing loops are more difficult to see that reinforcing loops because it often looks like nothing is happening
-balancing loops are easier to see than reinforcing loops because it is obvious what is happening

balancing loops are more difficult to see that reinforcing loops because it often looks like nothing is happening

According to Senge, what is true about a balancing system:
-it works by increasing instability
-examples are difficult to find
-it works to overcome homeostasis
-none of the above are true

none of the above are true

Senge suggested that sometimes the cure can be worse than the disease. Examples of "shifting the burden" to the intervener include which of the following:
-ill-conceived government interventions
-federal assistance to food relief agencies
-military interv

military intervention with Al Qaeda which leads to a like response

What is true about the shifting the burden archetype?
-it happens because the underlying problem is easy to address
-as the burden is shifted, the real problem becomes easier to handle
-the underlying problem is inevitable fixed by a third party
-none of

none of the above

According to Collins, you probably have a to-do list. you should also have a ________.
-stop doing list
-master calendar
-day planner
-computer based task system
-all of the above

stop doing list

Collins (2001) uses an analogy of the fox and the hedgehog. He concludes that:
-foxes win because they are slow
-hedgehogs lose because they over-think things
-it does not matter whether you are a fox or a hedgehog as long as you are yourself
-A and B onl

none of the above

According to Collins (2001), every good to great company:
-converted from a Hedgehog to a Fox
-attained the notion of a single economic denominator
-created a mission statement that informed employees what the organization was passionate about
-did everyt

attained the notion of a single economic denominator

According to Collins, _______ simplify a complex world into a single organizing idea, a basic principle or concept that unifies a guides everything.


Disciplined corporate cultures exemplified the following attributes:
-they had a culture of discipline where they would (metaphorically speaking) rinse their cottage cheese
-According to Collins, they were often found with to-do lists
-they were smarter t

they had a culture of discipline where they would (metaphorically speaking) rinse their cottage cheese

The good to great companies did all of the following except:
-built a consistent system with clear constraints
-they also gave people freedom and responsibility within the framework of that system
-hired self-disciplined people who didn't need to be manag

sought for business units to be number 1 or number 2 in its market, or they divested itself of that business unit