Dr. Bowling BIOL 1020 Final Exam

__________ is a molecule, not a compound


____________ is a winding membrane network. In the rough region, proteins are inserted into the lumen as they are made.

The endoplasmic reticulum

___________ members are multicellular eukaryotes with no cell walls


When a cell radius increases by 2UM, volume increases ___ and surface increases ____


When pH changes from 4 to 8, concentration of H+ is ____ of what it was at 4


Ribosome subunits are made in the ____


__________ is double-membraned with its own DNA, with membraned sacks called thylakoids, and interior lumen called stroma


_____, _____, _____, and _____ make up 96% of living matter


C14H28O4 is a ________________


Motor proteins provide for molecular motion in cells by interacting with ___________


_________ is the site of protein synthesis


Nonpolar covalent bonds occur when electrons are _____________

shared equally

Newly synthesized proteins go from the ____ to the _______ to _______


The size and weight of the component determines if a cellular component ends up in the _______ or ______ configuration


_________ have the same number of electrons and same atomic number, but different atomic mass


Related classes are grouped into ________


The _________ has a cis, medial, and trans region and is stacked of flattened membrane-bound sacs called cistern where proteins are processed, modified, and sorted


Ice floats on water because ___________ bonds are farther apart in Ice than they are in water


Microtubules have a ______ arrangement


___________ bonds are typically between nucleotides


When a cell is producing cytoplasmic enzymes, ribosomes are usually not bound to the _______


If you want 70,000x magnification, use a ____________


When added to an aqueous solution at pH 7, an acid will act as a proton _______, lowering the pH


The cell theory states that new cells are made from ____________

existing cells

________ is specific to general while ________ is general to specific


___________ bonds occur when attraction between partially positive charged region and partially negative charged region


______ cells include enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, large central vacuole, cell wall, and plasma membrane


Water is an effective temperature buffer because of its ___________

relatively high specific heat

Hydrogen bonds involving atoms of the peptide backbone are responsible for the________________ in proteins

B-pleated sheet structures

________ are proteins imbedded in the plasma membrane of animal cells and typically receive signals from the extracellular matrix


Elements want to fill their valence shell (8 electrons) _______ lose electrons while ______ gain electrons


The _____________ is the site in eukaryotic cells of most ATP production via aerobic respiration; its highly folded inner membrane forms c


__________ are thinner than __________ and are made of actin monomers


________ light has the least energy energy per proton


As NADH and FADH2 are oxidized, the energy released during electron transport is used in part to

pump protons across a membrane against their concentration gradient.

When used as an energy source, _______________ will typically provide a cell with more than twice as much energy per unit weight than glucose provides

tricylglycerol fats

The production of alcohol or lactate from pyruvate during fermentation occurs as a means of regenerating ___________ from NADH


When oxaloacetate is introduced to a solution with an enzyme and sauturating concentration of citrate the run rate decreases. Adding more citrate would partially overcome the effect of oxaloacetate on the run rate. Oxaloacetate binds to the enzyme in the

competitive inhibitor

During _______ and __________ of mitosis, chromosomes are compared of two chromatids


Iron-sulfur proteins, cytochromes, ubiquinone, and FMN are all components of the _______________ used in oxidative phosphorylation

electron transport chain

Chromosomes pair and cross-over during _____

prophase I

NADP+ is the ________________ in noncyclic electron transport

ultimate electron acceptor

In the carbon reduction phase of the C3 cycle, the production of 12 G3P molecules requires ____ 2-PGA molecules and the use of _____ ATPs and _____ NADPHs


To increase rate of reaction, __________

add more enzyme

The site where a noncompetitive inhibitor binds to an enzyme is an ________

allosteric site

The process that allows protons to more with their concentration gradient across a biological membrane using a protein channel is _________

facilitated diffusion

Any protein that is imbedded in the lipid bilayer of a cellular membrane is an __________

integral protein

Cell-cell contacts that act as selective pores for exchange of materials between adjacent plant cells is ____________


_________ lower the activation energy of a reaction. ________ speed up chemical reactions


Enzymatic reactions of the Calvin cycle take place in the _________ of the chloroplast


Large molecules cannot pass through the membrane by ________

simple diffusion

________ reduce activation energy requirements by holding reactants close together in the right orientation for the reaction, direct involvement in the reaction during transition sites, putting strain on expiating bonds, and provision a microenvironment t


A 12-carbon fatty acts is produced via beta oxidation into 6 acetyl CoA molecules, each then enter the citiric acid cycle. ____ molecules of NADH would be produced by 6 turns of the citric acid cycle


Replication of chromosomal DNA occurs during the ______

S phase

______ is reduced relative to NADP+


Plastocyanin passes electrons directly to __________

photosynthesis I/P700

If a cell is placed in a solution that is isotonic relative to the cell's cytosol, the cell will have ___________

no net exchange of water with the solution

A __________ structure of a protein is the unique 3D shape of a fully folded polypeptide chain


The energy source that most directly drives ATP synthesis during the chemiosmosis is the __________________

flow of H+ ions with their gradient thorough ATP synthase

Acetyl CoA enters the citric acid by reacting with oxaloacetate, forming _____ and freeing _______


________ is ingestion of small regions of dissolved materials by the cell


Phospholipids can spontaneously form bilayer structures in water because of their ______ nature


An enzyme that joins two molecules with covalent bonds would be considered _______


In C4 and CAM plans, the reaction that initially fixes CO2 into a four-carbon compound is catalyzed by the enzyme ___________

PEP carboxylase

A membrane-bound protein changes its shape when it binds to a hormone molecule on the outer surface of the cell. After she change, the protein is able to bind with a second protein and change the shape of the second protein, which then stimulates adenylyl

signal transduction

Unsaturated fatty acids help keep any membrane ________ fluid (which is preferred at lower temps) because the drivel bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids form bends in the fatty acid tails, forcing adjacent phospholipids to be further apart than they woul


___________ is the net movement of particles from an area of high initial concentration to an area of low initial concentration


In the fluid mosaic model proteins associated with a membrane move around not the same side of a lipid bilayer that acts as a _____ fluid


Sister chromatids separate during _______


In _____________, homologous chromosomes separate from each other

anaphase I

During ________, chromatin of the chromosomes condense, nucleoli disintegrate, the nuclear membrane divides into many small vesicles, and a system of microtubules organizes between two poles of the cell


Zygote�> meiosis�>___________�>___________�> fertilization

mitosis;production of gametes

The primary role of __________ in cellular respiration is to act as the final acceptor for electrons in the electron transport chain
