Ch. 20 Allergic Reaction

Which of the following assessment findings is MOST likely to indicate a severe allergic? reaction?
A. Local hives
B. Local swelling
C. Wheezing
D. Hypotension

D. Hypotension

Which of the following is caused by a histamine release during an allergic? reaction?
A. Vasoconstriction
B. Bronchodilation
C. Increased leakage of fluids from blood vessels
D. Drying and reduction of mucus in the bronchi of the lungs

C. Increased leakage of fluids from blood vessels

A? 10-year-old male was stung by several bees. Shortly after the? envenomation, his face became severely swollen. This edema is the result? of:
A. increased capillary permeability.
B. decreased capillary permeability.
C. vasoconstriction.
D. decreased his

A. increased capillary permeability.

Asking a patient experiencing an allergic reaction about how the patient was exposed to the allergen involved typically happens? during:
A. reassessment.
B. primary assessment.
C. taking baseline vital signs.
D. secondary assessment.

D. secondary assessment.

Completing the remainder of the past medical history for a patient with an allergic reaction typically? happens:
A. before care for? life-threatening problems.
B. before determining what allergen the patient was exposed to.
C. after reassessing the patien

D. after inquiring about what interventions may have already been provided.

A patient with anaphylaxis is carrying a prescribed EpiPen?�. The EMT in this? case:
A. must contact medical control for authorization before assisting the patient with administration of the epinephrine.
B. may freely administer epinephrine to the patient

B. may freely administer epinephrine to the patient.

For a hypotensive? patient, which of the following effects of epinephrine would be MOST? important?
A. Vasoconstriction
B. Bronchoconstriction
C. Increased capillary permeability
D. Vasodilation

A. Vasoconstriction

What is NOT a side effect of epinephrine? administration?
A. Dilation of the bronchioles
B. Nausea and vomiting
C. Excitability and anxiety
D. Increased heart rate

A. Dilation of the bronchioles

Your patient is suffering from severe anaphylactic shock. After obtaining the? patient's epinephrine? auto-injector and ensuring that it is prescribed to your? patient, you? should:
A. place the tip of the device against the? patient's thigh.
B. have a fr

C. ensure that you have appropriate medical direction to administer the medication.

Which of the following is the MOST reliable indication of improvement in a patient with anaphylaxis who was treated with an epinephrine? auto-injector?
A. Decrease in blood pressure
B. Persistent tachycardia
C. Increased sweating
D. Improvement of breathi

D. Improvement of breathing difficulty

Which of the following should be assessed FIRST for a patient who is in anaphylactic? shock?
A. The? patient's blood pressure
B. The? patient's lung sounds
C. The? patient's distal pulses
D. The? patient's airway

D. The? patient's airway

Which of the following is an anticipated side effect of epinephrine? administration?
A. Hypotension
B. Tachycardia
C. Vasodilation
D. Lethargy

B. Tachycardia

What change in vital signs would typically indicate that patient with an allergic reaction has progressed to? anaphylaxis?
A. Bradypnea
B. Bradycardia
C. Hypertension
D. Decreased oxygen saturation

D. Decreased oxygen saturation

Histamine release increases vascular permeability. What physical sign is associated with this? pathophysiology?
A. Urticaria
B. Swelling
C. Decreased cardiac output
D. Flushed skin

B. Swelling