integumentary system

coiled tubular structures arising from the dermis that excrete sweat are the

sudoriferous glands

outer layer of skin


melan/o/cytes in the stratum basle layer of the epidermis produce melanin (black like migra) which is responsible for

skin color

the layer of skin that is referred to as true skin

dermis or cutis

the Cf that mean nail are

uguin/o- or onycho-

the CF cutane/o- pel/o- -derm- all meand


nettles, hives, or -- refers to a rash that may be characterized by wheals

urticaria- alergic reaction

dermato/myc.osis means

an extenshive skin fungus condition, state of, or infection

Coumpound term sebo/aden/itis literally means

inflamed oil gland

CF hidr/o-0 and sudero- both mean


rhytid/ec/tom/y literally means

procedure of cutting out wrinkles

suffix that means to view is


suffix that means berry shaped is


chiggers are also referred to as --. these 6 legged mited are parasitic on insects, vertebrates and man where they secrete saliva that causes itching, wheals, and dermatitis

redbugs or red mites

the diagnostic term that means localization of pus is

abscess "tissue goes away

hidr/aden/itis means

inflammation of a sweat gland

coiled tubular structures arising from the dermis that excrete sweat are the

sudoriferous glands


ungiun/o- or onycho-

term that means skin or tissue bruise is


invasion into the skin and body hair by lice is


the pre/cancerous skin condition that is characterized by horny and hard skin that was caused by excessive exposure to sunlight is

actinic kerat/osis

the term -- actually means tissue death or literally "an eating sore" condition caused by poor blood supply


the diagnostic term that actually meand the process of scraping away the skin by a mechanical process or injury is


a malignant neoplasmic skin condition that spreads to organs & lymph nodes, which is commonly associated with AIDS, diabetes, and lymphoma is

kaposi's sarcoma

medical term that means berry-shaped bacteria in twisted chains is


cicatrix literally means


nevus means

mole or birthmark

decubitus ulcer, he or she has

pressure bedsore

invasion into the skin and body hair by lice is


a malignany neoplasm skin condition that spreads to organs and lymph nodes commonly asss with aids, diabetes and lymphona is

kaposis sarcoma



proritus means

severe itching

small, solid skin elevation is


yellow or orange-yellow tinge to the skin that results from damages liver cells is


acne vulgaris literally means

pointed and common

dermatoplasty includes -- surgery

face lifts, eyelid drooping and belly tucks

seb/orrhea dermat/itis is also known as


geriatric alopecia means

old age baldness fox mange

anthrax literally means

coal or carbuncle lesion

cheil/itis literally means

inflammation of the lip

curettage of a skin lesion literally means


dt furuncle actually meand -- and is a staphyloccous inflection of a hair follucle or hair gland


rubella (red) is also known as

3 day measles

herpes literally means

to creep

rubeols aka german or 9 day measles literally means

red or redness

a diagnostic characteristic or oran koplik spots next to back molars "grinders" is ass with

9 day measles

skinc ondition of shingles is caused by the herpes zoster virus. this also causes


the disease smallpox variols major minor is caused by a high contagious -- and is chara by prostration, a vesicular pustular rash, and fever. eradicted except for biological wepons


malignant melanoma actually means

a black tumor that is bad or cancerous

ichthy/osis actually means

fish like skin with scale like tissue

hirsut/ism literally means

the state of being hairy

squamosis cell carcinoma actually means

scaly crab-like tumors of the surface tissue "lungs and skin

dehiscence actually mean

to gape open

helminth/iasis, ascar/iasis and vermicul/osis can refer to -- infections of the skin or th edigestive system


onycho/myc/osis literally means

nail/fungus/condition/ "infection

bacterical infection of the face that is referred to as -- is characterized by vesicles or sacs that rupture and form a golden crust

impetigo means to attack

term dys/hidr/osis literally means

condition of faulty sweating "skin sweat blisters

scabies actually means

itch mite saliva that causes severe itching

tinea cruris or crusis actually means

jock itch "scrotal, crual,anal, or genital fungus itch

candid/iasis literally means

glowing white/condition

re skin caused by an increase in RBC near the surface of skin. poliferative bone marrow condition can cause clots, strokes, heart attacks,, veritgo, weakness, tinnitus, extremely pain, and enlarged spleen


skin condition of ringwork is actually caused by a


cutaneous ulcer literally means

skin sore

thrush is usually a fingus infection of the

throat or vagina

sclero/derma is actually an auto-immune reactionary disease like:

rheumatoid arthritis

lyme is ass w a town in -- where this deer tick borne sprochete bacteria first apperared in man


xero/derm literally means


tocky moutain spotted fever is cause by rickettsial carried by a


term -- literallly means "to itch" and this chronic skin condition causes red patches with dry, thick, slivery scales


a skin lacer/ation literally means

process of tearing

kelminth/iasis (worm disease) and TB are the 2 elading caused of killers in under-developed countires licated in

SA, africa, southeast asia

helminth/ic diseases can attach miltiple body systems inclusing the integmentary, digestive, and nervous systems. They are caused by meta/zoa parasitic worms called

tapeworms, roundworms, flukeworms

de/fec/ation literally means

processs of feces or stoll away

cimex lectularius is also known as

bed bugs

the physiologic finction term de/glutition literally means

to swallow away or down

masticat/ion and mand/ible actually mean

process of chewing and chewer

tinea pedis actually means

athletes foot

skin blushing,-- or redness is usyally cauysed by an increas in blood flox, oxy/hemoglobin, fever, inflmmation, trauma "wound" or alcohol


the skin color variation of pall/or is actually a -- which usually accompanies blood loss, various types of anema, or shock

decrease in color

the skin color variation of-- represents an increase in tissue bili/rubin from RBC destruction or liver cell destruction (hepat/itis). this color is best seen in the sclera of the eye, body membranes, and skin

yellow-orange "jaundice

the relative speed with witch the skin resumes its normal apperence after being stretched or compressed is --. res the amount of water in the tissues or hydration. slower in seniors


a tan-brown skin coloration ussually means an increase in the amount of melanin in suntan or
