business ethics: ethical decision making and cases

Business Ethics

comprises the principles, values, and standards that guide behavior in the business world


are specific and pervasive boundaries for behaviors that are universal and absolute


used to develop norms that are socially enforced.

Consumer Bill of Rights

1962 JFK said four basic rights: safety, informed, choose, be heard

Social Responsibility

an organization's obligation to maximize its positive impact on stakeholders and minimize its negative impact economic legal ethical and philanthropic

Federal Sentencing guidelines for Organizations

approved by congress in November 1991 follow standards and you won't be held responsible if wrongdoing is found

Defense Industry Initiatives

1986 guide corporate support for ethical conduct

Sarbanes Oxley

ethics reform in 2002, increased accounting regulations, CEO and chief financial officer held personally responsible in ethical wrongdoing

didd-frank wall street reform and consumer protection act 14

addressed some of the issues related to the financial crisis and recession, designed to make the financial services industry more ethical and responsible. Required regulators to create hundreds of rules to promote financial stability, improve accountabili

Ethical Culture

the character of the decision making process that employees use to determine whether their responses to ethical issues are right or wrong


have a stake in the company and its outcomes

Stakeholder Orientation

the degree to which a firm understands and addresses stakeholder demands. generate data. Distribution of information. Organizations responsiveness

primary stakeholder

those whose continued association is absolutely necessary for a firm's survival including employees, customers, investors, and shareholders

secondary stakeholder

do not typically engage in transactions with a company are therefore not essential to its survival including media, trade associations, and special interest groups

stockholder interaction model

relationship between businesses and stakeholders

cooperate citizenship

is often used to express the extent to which businesses strategically meet the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities placed on them by various stakeholders


one of an organization's greatest intangible assets with tangible value

corporate governance

involves the development of formal systems of accountability, oversight, and control

shareholder model of corporate governance

founded in classical economic precepts, including the goal of maximizing wealth for investors and owners

stakeholder model of corporate governance

adopts a broader view of the purpose of business. Although a company certainly has a responsibility for economic success and viability to satisfy its stockholders, it must also answer to other stakeholders

interlocking directorate

the concept of board members being linked tumor than one company

execute compensation

one of the biggest issues of corporate boards of directors face.


one of the most important and oft-cited elements of virtue, and refers to being whole, sound, and in an unimpaired condition


refers to truthfulness or trustworthiness


the quality of being just, equitable, and impartial


about the distribution of benefits and resources


an interchange of giving and receiving in social relationships


the trade-off between equity and efficiency

ethical issue

a problem, situation, or opportunity that requires an individual, group, or organization to choose among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong, ethical or unethical

ethical dilemma

a problem, situation, or opportunity that requires an individual, group, or organization to choose among several actions that have negative outcomes

abusive or intimidating behavior

common ethical problem for employees. Refer to physical threats, false accusations, being annoying, profanity, ect


untruthful statements that result in danger or harm, white lies that do not cause damage but instead function as excuses or a means of benefitting others and statements obviously that meant to engage or entertain without malice

conflict of interest

exists when an individual must choose whether to advance his or her own interests,t hose of the organization, or those of some other group


practice of offering something in order to gain an illicit advantage from someone in authority

active bribery

the person who promises or gives the bribe commits the offense

passive bribery

an offense committed by the official who receives the bribe

facilitation payment

made to obtain or retain business or other improper advantages do not constitute bribery payments for us companies in some situations

corporate intelligence

the collection and analysis of information on markets, technologies, customers, and competitors, as well as on socioeconomic and external political trends


considered one of the top three methods for obtaining trade secrets

system hacking

assumes attacker already has access to a low-level, privileged-user account

remote hacking

involves attempting to remotely penetrate a system across the internet

physical hacking

requires the CI agent enter a facility personally.

social engineering

the tricking of individuals into revealing their passwords or other valuable corporate information

shoulder surfing

someone simply looks over an employee's shoulder while he or she types in a password

password guessing

another easy social engineering technique, If a person an find out personal things about someone, he or she might be able to use that information to guess their password

dumpster diving

once trash is discarded onto a public street or alley, it is considered fair game, Trash can provide a rich source of info for any CI agent


wireless hacking

phone eavesdropping

a person with digital recording device can monitor and record a fax line, By playing the recording back an intruder can reproduce an exact copy of a message without anyone's knowledge


on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, martial status, sexual orientation, public assistance status, disability, age, national origin or veteran status is illegal in the us

equal employment opportunity commission


age discrimination in employment act

specifically outlaws hiring practices that discriminate against people 40 years of age or older, as well as those that require employees from making employment decisions

affirmative action program

company cannot refuse to hire an individual, maintain a system of employment that unreasonably excludes an individual from employment, discharges on individual, or discriminates against an individual with respect to hiring, employment terms, promotion, or

sexual harassment

any repeated, unwanted behavior of a sexual nature perpetrated upon one individual by another

hostile work environment

three criteria must be met: conduct was unwelcome, the conduct was severe, pervasive, and regarded by the claimant as so hostile or offensive as to alter his or her conditions of employment; and the conduct was such that a reasonable person would find it

dual relationship

personal, loving, and/or sexual relationship with someone with whom you share professional responsibilities

unethical dual relationship

those where the relationship could potentially cause a direct or indirect conflict of interest or a risk of impairment to professional judgement


any purposeful communication that deceives, manipulates, or conceals acts in order to harm others

accounting fraud

usually involves a corporation;s financial reports, in which companies provide important information on which investors and others base decisions involving millions of dollars

marketing fraud

the process of dishonestly creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing products


exaggerated advertising, blustering, and boasting upon which no reasonable buyer would rely and is not actionable under the Lanham Act

implied falsity

the message has a tendency to mislead, confuse, or deceive the public

literally false

2 subcategories
test prove: the advertisement cites a study or test that establishes the claim
bald assertions: the advertisement makes a claim that cannot be substantiated, as when a commercial states a certain product is superior to any other on the mar

labeling issue

intended to stave off the increasing scrutiny of critics who believe that energy drink caffeine levels are unsafe

consumer fraud

occurs when consumers attempt to deceive businesses for their own gain

insider trading

illegal-the buying or selling of stocks by insiders who possess information that is not yet public
legal- involves legally buying and selling stock in an insider's own company, but not all the time

intellectual property rights

involve the legal protection of intellectual property such as music, books, and movies

privacy issue

includes monitoring employees' use of available technology and consumer privacy