Ethics Ch 5 Corporate Social Responsibility

corporate social responsibility

the responsibilities that a business has to the society in which it operates

economic model of csr

a narrow view that holds that business' sole duty is to fulfill the economic functions businesses were designed to serve

philanthropic model of csr

holds that like individuals, business is free to contribute to social causes as a matter of philanthropy

social web model of csr

a common view that businesses exist within a web of social relationships- views business as a citizen of the society in which it operates and it must conform to the normal ethical duties and obligations that we all face

stakeholder theory

begins with the recognition that every business decision affects a wide variety of people, benefiting some and imposing costs on others

social entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial activity whose goal is to find innovative solutions to social needs, problems, and opportunities

integrative model of csr

firms that bring social goals into the core of their business model and fully integrate economic and social goals

corporate sustainability report

provides an overview of the firm's performance on environmental and social issues

reputation management

the practice of attending to the image of a firm