ethics ch. 10 and 11

Internationalization may be thought of as

a "process by which firms increases their awareness of the influence of international activities on their future and establish and conduct transactions with firms from other countries

Multinational corporations MNCs operate with

offices, factories, and headquarters in more than one country

most challenging situation for MNCs is when they

are operating in so-called emerging nations, developing countries, or less-developed countries (LDCs)

Firms face two major underlying challenges or problems as they operate in a multinational environment

Corporate legitimacy and Differing philosophies

The MNC seeks to optimize globally, while

host government seeks to optimize locally

Globalization is, according to Rosabeth Moss Kanter

one of the most powerful and pervasive influences on nations, businesses, workplaces, communities, and lives...,

Management and control of global operations, Two issues are important here

Organizational structure and design and Human resource management

The current standards for SA8000 may be summarized as follows

Child labor, Forced labor, Health and safety, Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, Discrimination, Discipline, Working hours, Compensation, Management systems

One of the primary tools TI uses to combat corruption is its now-famous

annual corruption perception index CPI

One of the greatest challenges that businesses face while operating in foreign countries is

achieving some kind of reconciliation and balance in honoring both the cultural and moral standards of their home and host countries

Four major strategies or categories of action that could help MNCs conduct global business while maintaining an ethical sensitively in their practices include

Global codes of conduct, Linking ethics with global strategy, Suspension of business activities in certain countries, Ethical impact statements and audits

The eight principles identified and described standards of conduct in the following categories:

fiduciary, property, reliability, transparency, dignity, fairness, citizenship, and responsiveness

Two of the most widely used global standards are

the UN global compact and the caux roundtable principles

Ethical impact statements are

an attempt to assess the underlying moral justifications for corporate actions and the consequent results of those actions

The two ethical systems are the

individualistic ethic of business and the collectivistic ethic of government

Government influences business through

regulation, taxation, and other forms of persuasion that we will consider in more detail in the next section

Business influences the public through

advertising, public relations, and other forms of communication

Two major issues merit consideration before w examine some of the specific policy tools or mechanisms government uses to influence business

Industrial policy and privatization

Industrial policy

every form of state intervention that affects industry as a distinct part of the economy

Privatization refers to the process of

turning over to

Two functions government might perform

Producing a service and Providing a service

Two issues are largely unresolved and so they continue to be discussed and debated

Industrial policy and Privatization

Government also influences

business, albeit indirectly, by virtue of its transfer payments

Four major reasons or justifications for regulations are typically offered

Controlling natural monopolies, Controlling negative externalities, Achieving social goals, Other reasons

Government regulations address two basic types of goals

Economic and social

Two different types of regulations

Economic regulation and Social regulation

Three effects are worthy of elaboration

Innovation may be affected, New investments in plant and equipment may be affected, Small business may be adversely affected

The basic idea behind deregulation has been to

remove certain industries from the old-line economic regulations of the past

Peter Drucker has labeled the expanded global marketplace the

transnational economy

Which of the following is not a feature of the global economy?

international laws governing fair trade

The process by which firms increase their awareness of the influence of international activities on their future and establish and conduct transactions with firms from other countries is known as


The center of the controversy that aligns rich nations against poor nations is

what the trade rules will be, and who will write the rules

Moving jobs that have historically resided in the home country to a lower-cost host country is called


The most challenging situation for an MNC to face is

operating is less-developed countries

To be viewed as legitimate in their host countries, MNCs must fulfill their social responsibilities, including all of the following except

technological functions

Which of the following is not a factor in a host country's perception of the legitimacy of an MNC?

profitability of the firm

The requirement for an MNC to take on local partners is referred to as

creeping expropriation

Which of the following is not one the broad issues facing MNCs in their relationships with host countries?

religious and other traditional holidays

There are three levels of sensitivity that MNCs should exhibit for the long-run national interests of less-developed countries. All of the following are levels of sensitivity except

the need to modify marketing efforts to conform to local custom

To resolve the infant formula controversy, Nestl� agreed to do all of the following except

providing purified water with the formula

Which of the following is not an SA8000 standard proposed to improve sweatshop conditions?

provision of educational opportunities for workers

U.S. based MNCs are increasingly interested in cases brought under the Alien Tort Claims Act because

they are increasingly being named as defendants in tort cases for doing business in countries with repressive governments.

All of the following are arguments in support of bribery except

it is a way of providing needy foreigners with money they need.

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

makes it illegal for the representative of an American corporation to offer or pay officials of foreign governments for the purpose of getting or maintaining business

Payment of a bribe implies some type of

quid pro quo

The position that advocates that an MNC should continue to follow its home country's ethical standards even while operating in another country is known as

ethical imperialism

The position that advocates that an MNC follow the host country's ethical standards is called

ethical relativism

Grease payments are all of following except

monies given to high ranking officials

The reason that the United States government passed anti-trust legislation was

due to the anti-competitive practices of some large trusts

Government's new role in its relationship with business during the New Deal era was one of

restoring prosperity and promoting economic growth

The clash of ethical systems between government and business is centered around

individualist and collectivist ethics

Which of the following is not a method that government uses to influence business?


Arguments for industrial policy include all of the following except

stifling innovation

Arguments against industrial policy include all of the following except

The need to rescue "sunset" industries

Government influences business through all of the following nonregulatory methods except

requiring equal employment opportunities be granted to job applicants

Government payments to industries or groups with special qualifications are called


Government attempts to persuade business to act in the public interest are called

moral suasion

Government regulations have been criticized for all the following reasons except

being ineffective

The primary reason for government regulation of business is

market failure

A market in which the economies of scale are so great that the largest firm has the lowest costs and is able to drive out competitors is called a(n)

natural monopoly

Government intervention in monopolistic industries is often brought about by

anticompetitive practices

Negative externalities are often referred to as

social costs

The newest type of social regulations is concerned primarily with


The dilemma of regulation is the tradeoff between

effective control and the burden placed on firms

The dilemma of deregulation is

to enhance competition within the industry without sacrificing applicable social regulations

Which of the following is not a concern expressed by executives about government involvement in business?

U.S adults said government should do more

Which of the following is not a U.S. preference on industrial policy?

one that enables industrialization