BGS - Ch 7 Business ethics

The example of _____ is perhaps the strongest influence on integrity in a corporate culture.

Company leaders

Demographic factors explain a lot about what individual qualities are associated with ethical behavior.

ethical relativism.

Under which of the following corporate cultural values do symbolic displays such as picture walls of former executives come under?


Standards of ethical behavior were arguably clearer in ancient Greek civilization than they are now.


Rights to life are an example of:


According to Thomas Donaldson and Thomas W. Dunfee, ethical principles that are the basis for all other ethical principles are called:


Executives are more often prosecuted than corporations, though harder to convict.


Identify the theory that adopts the belief that different cultures may create different values and there is no universal standard by which to judge which values are superior.

Ethical relativism

When a civil court requires payments by a company that are in excess of actual losses to injured parties, these payments are called:

punitive damages.

The idea that only one set of ethical standards exists for business and for society is known as the theory of:

moral unity.

The tendency of an individual to use self-centered, immoral, manipulative behavior in a group is known as:


When managers are convicted of a crime, their prison sentences are based on a(n):

numerical point system

A critical function of managers is to create strong competitive strategies that enable a company to meet its strategic objectives even if it means encouraging ethical compromise.


The unspoken, unwritten beliefs about the nature of the company and what behaviors bring success are called:

tacit underlying values.

The idea that there are no common ethical values but that each culture determines these values is a basic tenet in:

ethical relativism