Ethics Quiz Chapter 11


is the ability or authority to direct others toward a goal
-ethical leadership creates an ethical culture
-have the power to motivate others and enforce the organization's norms, policies, and viewpoints
-positive relationship with the organizational citi

Leaders admired for ethical conduct

1. Warren Buffett- Berkshire Hathaway
2. Howard Schulz- Starbucks
3. Tony Hsieh- Zappos
4. Kenneth Chenault- American Express
5. Kip Tindell- The Container Store

Seven Habits of Strong Ethical Leaders

1. Ethical leaders have strong personal character
2. Ethical leaders have a passion to do right
3. Ethical leaders are proactive
4. Ethical leaders consider all stakeholders' interests
5. Ethical leaders are role models for the organization's values
6. Et

Leadership styles

The most effective leaders possess the ability to manage themselves and their relationships with others effectively, a skill known as emotional intelligence

Coercive leader

Demands immediate compliance with their orders- "Do what I tell you or else

Authoritative leader

Dictates policies and procedures, decides what goals are to be achieved and directs and controls activities without any meaningful participation from subordinates

Affiliative leader

Promotes harmony among followers and helps solve conflict. Making sure followers feel connected to one another

Democratic leader

Involves a leader where all individuals participate in the decision making process to determine what needs to be done and how it should be done

Pacesetting leader

These individuals set high standards for themselves and for the organization and expect followers to behave the same way

Coaching leader

Coach, mentor and develop individuals when they need it most

Transactional leaders

attempt to create employee satisfaction through negotiating, or "bartering" for desired behaviors or levels of performance

Transformational leaders

strive to raise employees level of commitment and foster trust and motivation

Authentic leaders

are passionate about the company, live out corporate values daily in the workplace, and form long-term relationships with employees and other stakeholders

Unethical leaders

Are usually ego-centric and often do whatever it takes to achieve the organization's objectives and their own

Apathetic leaders

are not necessarily unethical, but they care little for ethics within the company
*Does not listen to employees and does not communicate well
Ethical leaders include ethics at every operations level and stage of the decision making process

Conflict management into five styles:

1. Competing: highly assertive, not very cooperative, believe in winning at any cost, and measure success by how much the other side loses
2. Avoiding: no effective because they avoid conflict at any costs even if it leads to misconduct, are uncooperative

R.A.D.A.R model

Recognize, avoid, discover, answer, recover

Four categories of communication

1. Interpersonal communication
2. small group communication
3. nonverbal communication
4. listening

Ethical leadership communication skills

Organizational communication is separated into four categories
1. interpersonal communication is the most well-known form of communication and occurs when two or more people interact with one another
*Often difficult to communicate to a superior

Nonverbal communication

Expressed through actions, body language, expressions, or other forms of communication not written or oral
*nonverbal cues are deemed more reliable that what he or she states verbally

Listening involves paying attention to both verbal and nonverbal

Without listening, communication becomes ineffective
*good listening skills tend to establish credibility and trustworthiness with employees

Leader-follower congruence

occurs when leaders and followers share the same vision, ethical expectations, and objectives for the company
*leader-exchange theory claims that leaders form unique relationships with followers through social interactions
*important for ethical leaders t

Organizational politics

is often perceived as trying achieve one's own ends even if it means harming others in the organization

There is a difference between

Having a high degree of office politics and having good political skills
*political skills can be used to promote organizational goals and help rather than hinder other employees


Most companies recognize the need for organizational leaders to provide feedback to employees
*informal methods like simple conversation or through more formal systems such as employee performance evaluations
*need for organizational leaders to get feedba

