Economics Quiz 2

the price that matches the quantity supplied and quantity demanded

equilibrium price

equilibrium price is also referred to as

market-clearing price

quantity of the good or service bought and sold at equilibrium price is the

equilibrium quantity

when the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded, there is a


excess supply is known as


markets move toward


A competitive market is in equilibrium when price has moved to a level at which

the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied

How does equilibrium price "clear the market"?

ensures that every buyer willing to pay that price finds a seller willing to sell at that price/ vice versa

Why do all sales and purchases in a market take place at the same price?

if both buyers and sellers have been around for some time, buyers will refuse to pay more for the same product that they could buy cheaply, sellers will refuse to sell the same product for less money

The price of a good falls whenever there is a


Why does the market fall if it is above equilibrium price?

quantity supplied is more than quantity demanded, leads to surplus, means that at current price consumers will not buy goods, forcing suppliers to cut prices until it reaches equilibrium price

Why does the market rise if it is below the equilibrium price?

quantity demanded is more than quantity supplied, leads to shortage, buyers will either offer more money or sellers will realize they can charge higher prices

An increase in demand leads to

a rise in both equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity

A decrease in demand leads to

a fall in both equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity

When supply of a good or service decreases, the ________________ rises and the ____________ falls

equilibrium price, equilibrium quantity

When supply of a good or service increases, the _____________ falls and the __________ rises

equilibrium price, equilibrium quantity

When demand increases and supply decreases, the equilibrium price ________ and the equilibrium quantity _________

rises, is nondeterminant

When demand decreases and supply increases, the equilibrium price ______ and the equilibrium quantity ______

falls; is nondeterminant

When supply and demand go in opposite directions, we cannot tell what the ultimate effect on the _______ will be


When both demand and supply increase, the equilibrium price ______ and the equilibrium quantity ______

is nondeterminant, rises

When both demand and supply decrease, the equilibrium price ______ and the equilibrium quantity ______

is nondeterminant, falls

equilibrium creates a single ______ and _______ for a good/service

price, quantity

if the price occurs at some point where supply and demand are equal, then ________ exists


if price is higher than equilibrium price, then


if price is lower than equilibrium price, then


if a price ceiling is effective, a _____ exists


How can disequilibrium be maintained?


Changes in the equilibrium price and quantity result from?

shifts of supply curve, demand curve, or both

An increase in demand increases

equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity

A decrease in demand decreases

equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity

An increase in supply moved _________ down and increases ____________

equilibrium price, equilibrium quantity

A decrease in supply decreases ________ and moves ______ down

equilibrium quantity, equilibrium price

When supply and demand shift in the same direction, what can you predict? What can you not predict?

quantity; price

When supply and demand shift in opposite directions, what can you predict? What can you not predict?

price; quantity

When a market is competitive, is the analysis that individuals base decisions more or less complicated?

less complicated

If a market is not competitive, a firm must also worry about

whether increasing supply will drive down market price, reducing profit

legal restrictions on how high or low a market price may go

Price controls

maximum price sellers are allowed to charge for a good or service

price ceiling

minimum price buyers are required to pay for a good or service

price floor

What happens if the government sets a price ceiling above equilibrium price?

price ceiling isn't binding, has no effect

What are the ways in which a price ceiling causes inefficiency?

inefficiently low quantity, inefficient allocation to consumers, wasted resources, inefficiently low quality

because a price ceiling reduced price of a good, it reduces quantity that sellers are willing to supply, preventing mutually beneficial transactions from occurring

inefficiently low quantity

some people who want the good badly and are willing to pay a high price don't get it, and some who care relatively little about the good and are only willing to pay a low price do get it

inefficient allocation to consumers

people expend money, effort, and time to cope with the shortages caused by the price ceiling

wasted resources

a market in which goods or services are bought and sold illegally- either because it is illegal to sell them at all or because the prices charged are legally prohibited by a price ceiling

Black market

three common results of a price ceiling

persistent shortage of good, Inefficiency arising from persistent shortage, emergence of black market activity

A legal floor on the wage rate, which is the market price of labor

Minimum wage