Economics chapter One

people cannot have everything

they need and want


the study of how people seek to satisfy their needs and wants by making choices


implies limited quanties of resources to meet unlimited wants

Economics is about

solving the problem of scarcity

Scarcity is not the same

as shortage

A shortage occurs when prodcuers will not or cannot offer goods or services at

the curent prices

Shortages can be

temorary or long term

Scarcity in contrast to shortages

always exists because our needs ans wants are always greater than our resource supply

Goods and services are scarce becasue

they are made from resources that are scarce

Economists call the resources that are used to make all goods and services the

factor of production, or factor resources

The term land

refers to all natural resources to produce goods and services

Labor is the effort that

a person devotes to a task for which that person is paid


is any human made resource that is used to produce other goods and services

The categories of capitol are

human, phyical and finacial

Physical Capitol

includes building and tools, it saves ppl and compaines a great deal of time and money. objects used to make things

Benefits of pyschial capital

Extra time, more knowledge, and more productivity

Human capitol

The knowledge and skills a worker gains through education and experience


are ambituous leaders who decide how to combine lnd, labor, and capital resources to create new goods and services

Production of evverything or anything is

always scarce

When we decide on one alternative

we gain one thing but lose something else

Trade offs

are all the alternatives that we give up whenever we choose one course of action over another

The most desirable alternative given up as the result of a decision is called

Opportunity cost

With each new situation the benfits and opportunity costs


Thinking at margin is that from an economists point o view

you decide how MUCH more or less to do something

A production curve shows

alternative ways to us an econmoys productive resources

Production possibilites frontier

the line on the graph that shows combinations of productions of two things

Production possibility graphs tell us

How effiecent an ecomony is and whether an economy has grown or shrunk and the opportunity cost of a decision to produce more of one good or service


Means using resources in such a way as to maximize the production or output of goods and services


Using fewer resources than the economy is capable of usiing

A production possibilities curve reflects the countrys current production possibilites as if

the countrys resources were frozen in time. Biut in the real world a countrys resources are constantly changing

When economys grow the production possibilites curve shifts to the


when a econmoy declines the possibilites curve shifts to the



the alternative that we give up when we choose one option over another, opportunity cost

law of increasing costs

increasingly expensive trade offs are explained. the law states that as production switches from one item to another more and more resources are needed to increase production soo the opportunity cost increases

The law of increasing costs expains

why production possibilites frontiers usually curve

Both human and physical catial reflects a vital ingrident


A countries production possibilites depend on both

technology level and the resources they have

Thinking on margin has a

numberic value