Econ Test 2

What is the definition of productivity

Output divided by quantity of input

Human capital represents

The education, skills and training embodied in workers

The rules of the game refer to

Any factor that facilitates production and exchange, such as tax laws and property rights

Labor production is measured by

Total output divided by the number of units of labor employed

The purchase of a new Boeing fighter jet by Israel is classified in the us GDP accounts as

Export expenditure

If the price index last year was 100 and today it is 167, what is the inflation rate over this period

67 percent

A measure of a country's production is it's

Gross domestic product

The expenditure approach to measuring GDP is done by using data on only

Consumption expenditure, investment, government expenditure on goods and services, and net exports of goods and services

The difference between nominal GDP and real GDP is

The prices used in their calculations

What was the result of increased oil prices during the 1970's

Aggregate supply decreasing, causing cost-push inflation

Demand-pull inflation is associated with

Increasing aggregate demand and lower unemployment

The real interest rate can be expressed as the

Nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate

Unemployment arising from mismatch of skills is called

Structural unemployment

The only job justin ever holds is preparing income tax forms at h and r block from January 2 to April 15. In March, while he is still working, he sends his resume to prospective employers. In march he was counted as

Part of the labor force

Economic fluctuations

Are linked, but not perfectly synchronized, across countries

During the Great Depression, president Hoover

Incorrectly called for an increase in taxes

Which of the following is not a flow variable

The 100 dollars Susan keeps in her purse, in case an emergency arises

Which of the following would not increase the labor productivity

A lower unemployment rate

Labor productivity measures

Output per unit of labor

Which of the following would be likely to cause a decrease in the labor productivity growth rate

A service sector that is growing as a percentage of GDP

Productivity is important because

It ultimately increases a nations standard of living

If Q is total real output, K is capital in use, and L is labor employed, the productivity of labor is measured by


The diminishing slope of the per-worker production function reflects the law of diminishing marginal returns


While economic expansions average about three and one half years in duration, economic contractions average about

One year in duration

In U.S. History, recessions have usually lasted longer than expansion periods (false)


If the inflation rate is 5 percent and you receive a wage increase of 5 percent,

Your nominal income increases by 5 percent but your real income is unchanged

An increase in a persons real wage necessarily means

Greater purchasing power

If the nominal interest rate is greater than the real interest rate,

Inflation must be occurring

Because of the circular flows of expenditure and income in the economy, total ___ equals total ___ equals total ___.

Expenditure; income, value of production

Over the long run, technological change increases both labor productivity and unemployment rates (false)


Which of the following is the best indicator of the standard of living

Real GDP per capita

Which of the following does not contribute to labor productivity growth

Growth of the labor force

The U.S. Is experiencing falling output, falling unemployment, falling incomes and rising unemployment, these conditions best describe a business cycle


If you make dinner for yourself

Only the market value of ingredients that you purchased this year is added to GDP

The items included in the CPI are

Goods and services consumed by the typical urban household

Recession is best defined as a period during which

Employment, output, and income decline

Cost-push inflation is typically cause by an

Outward shift of the demand curve

If the CPI is 100 when your paycheck is 30,000, and when you get a raise to 60,000 the CPI is 300, your real wage has


The CPI market basket

Weighs the goods and services according to the budget of an average urban household

The difference between demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation is that

Demand-pull inflation is caused by movements of the aggregate demand curve; cost-push inflation is caused by movements of the aggregate supply curve

Improvements in technology shift the per-worker production function downward (false)


Labor productivity is measured by

Total output/ total employment (ex. 51,000 U.S.)

An example of an increase in human capital would be

A more educated labor force

What was the result of increased oil prices during the 1970's

Aggregate supply decreased, causing cost-push inflation

Underemployment refers to

People working in jobs that do not fully use their skills

Job losers are people who

Are laid off

The resource whose productivity is most commonly measured is
