Economic Ch. 12

Gross Domestic Product

The dollar value of all final goods and services produced within a country's borders in a given year

Consumer good and services, business good and services, government g and s, net exports or imports of g and s

How is the expenditure approach used to calculate GDP?

By adding up all incomes in the economy

How is the income approach used to calculate GDP?

Nominal measures in current prices. It does not account for price level increases from year to year. Real expressed in constant or unchanging dollars.

What is the difference between nominal GDP and real GDP?

Non market activity, negative externalities, underground economy, quality of life

4 limitations of using GDP to measure economic growth

GDP is borders only and GNP is worldwide

How is the gross national product derived from the gross domestic product?

National income accounting

A system that collects macroeconomics statistics on production, income, investment, and savingd

Intermediate goods

Goods used in the production of final goods

Nominal GDP

GDP measured in current prices

Non durable goods

Goods that last a short period of time

Real GDP

GDP expressed in constant, or unchanging prices

Durable goods

Goods that last for a relatively long time


Loss of the value of capital equipment that results from normal wear and tear

Aggregate supply

The total amount of goods and services in the economy available at all possible price levels

Price level

The average of all prices in the economy

Gross national product (GNP)

The annual income earned by US owned firms and US residents

Business cycle

Expansion followed by a period of contraction


A period of economic growth as measured by a rise in real GDP


The height of an economic expansion when real GDP stops rising


A period of economic decline marked by falling real GDP


The lowest point in an economic contraction, when real GDP stops falling


A prolonged economic contraction

6 months

How long does GDP have to fall in order to have a recession?


Long or severe recession


A decline in real GDP combined with a rise in the price level

Inflation, recession

What 2 events occur during a stagflation

When an economy is expanding, firms expect profits to keep rising, therefore they invest in new plants and equipments

How do business investments lead to expansion?


Price you pay to borrow money

Companies make new investments, often adding jobs

How does a low interest rate affect business cycle?

Investments dry up as does job growth

How does a high interest rate affect the business cycle?

While fears of recession tighten consumers spending

How does decreased spending lead to contraction?

Forecasts of expanding economy often fuel more spending

How does increased spending lead to an expansion?

External shocks

Oil supply wars or natural disasters, greatly influence the output of economy

Make it worse, prices go up

How do negative external shocks affect the business cycle?

Additional trade, china

How do positive external shocks affect the business cycle?

Leading indicators

Key economic variables economists use to predict a new phase of a business cylce

Supply and demand shouldn't fix it, spend money

What did John Maynard Keynes believe about government interventions?

OPEC embargo

What external shock caused the recession in the 1970s?

Real GDP per capita

Real GDP divided by the total population

Measures the standard of living

Why is real GDP per capita an important measure?

Labor activity

The amount of output produced per worker

Capital deepening

Process of increasing the amount of resources (computers, laptops) per worker

Human capital deepening

The productive knowledge and sills acquired by a worker through education and experience, increases output per worker

The increase in demand will increase the equilibrium wage rate

How does capital deepening lead to higher wages for workers?


Disposable income not used for consumption

Savings rate

The proportion of disposable income that is saved

Output can only be consumed or invested, whatever is not consumed must be invested

How is savings related to investment?

If the population grows while the supply of capital remains constant, the amount of capital per worker will shrink

How does the size of the population affect capital deepening?

Trade deficit

When the value of goods a country imports is higher than the value of goods it exports

Capital deepening can help a country pay back it's creditors

How does borrowing money from foreign countries help a countries help a countries economy?

Technological progress

An increase in efficiency gained by producing more output without using more inputs

It raises a nations productivity, produce more output with same accounts of land, labor and capital. Society can enjoy higher real GDP per capita

How does technological progress affect the standard of living?

Scientific research, innovation, scale of the market, education and experience, natural resource use

5 factors that bring technological progress