Economics 10.1

medium of exchange; unit of account; store of value

the three uses of money


the direct exchange of one set of goods and services for another

medium of exchange

anything that is used to determine value during the exchange of goods and services

unit of account

a means for comparing the values of goods and services

store of value

money keeps its value if you decide to store it instead of spending it


when does money not serve as a good store of value?


coins and paper bills used as money

portability; acceptability; limited supply; durability; uniformity; divisibility

the six characteristics that economists use to judge how well an item serves as currency (remember: PALDUD)


objects used as money must withstand the physical wear and tear that comes with being used over and over agian


people need to be able to carry money with them and be able to easily transfer it from one person to another when making purchases


money must be easily divided into smaller denominations, or units of value


people must be able to count and measure money accurately

limited supply

to be useful and maintain its value, the right amount of money must be available


everyone in an economy must be able to exchange the objects that serve as money for goods and services

commodity; representative; fiat

the three sources of money's value

commodity money

consists of objects that have value in and of themselves and that are also used as money

representative money

money that makes use of objects that have value because the holder can exchange them for something else of value

fiat money

money has value because the government has decreed that it is an acceptable means to pay debts

fiat money

what type of money is US money?


anything that serves as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value

medium of exchange; unit of account; store of value

the three uses of money


the direct exchange of one set of goods and services for another

medium of exchange

anything that is used to determine value during the exchange of goods and services

unit of account

a means for comparing the values of goods and services

store of value

money keeps its value if you decide to store it instead of spending it


when does money not serve as a good store of value?


coins and paper bills used as money

portability; acceptability; limited supply; durability; uniformity; divisibility

the six characteristics that economists use to judge how well an item serves as currency (remember: PALDUD)


objects used as money must withstand the physical wear and tear that comes with being used over and over agian


people need to be able to carry money with them and be able to easily transfer it from one person to another when making purchases


money must be easily divided into smaller denominations, or units of value


people must be able to count and measure money accurately

limited supply

to be useful and maintain its value, the right amount of money must be available


everyone in an economy must be able to exchange the objects that serve as money for goods and services

commodity; representative; fiat

the three sources of money's value

commodity money

consists of objects that have value in and of themselves and that are also used as money

representative money

money that makes use of objects that have value because the holder can exchange them for something else of value

fiat money

money has value because the government has decreed that it is an acceptable means to pay debts

fiat money

what type of money is US money?


anything that serves as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value