Development Economics

4.1.1 Distinguish between economic growth and economic development

Economic Growth: An increase in the output of goods & services in a nation between two periods of time
Economic Development: Improvements in standards of living of a nation measured by income, education and health.

4.1.2 Explain the multidimensional nature of economic development in terms of ...

- Reducing widespread poverty
- Raising living standards
- Reducing income inequalities
- Increasing employment opportunities

4.1.3 Explain that the most important sources of economic growth in economically less developed countries include...

- Increases in quantities of physical capital and human capital
- Development and use of new technologies
- Stable and efficient institutions (banking, infrastructure, legal system, education system)

4.1.4 Explain the relationship between economic growth and economic development

(Although some limited economic development is possible without economic growth, over the long-term, economic growth is necessary for economic development)

4.1.5 Explain that economically less developed countries share certain common characteristics

- Low levels of GDP per capita
- High levels of poverty
- Relatively large agricultural sectors
- Large urban informal sectors
- High birth rates

4.1.6 Explain that in some countries there may be communities caught in a poverty trap

Poverty Trap: Where poor communities are unable to invest in physical, human and natural capital due to low or no savings. Poverty is transmitted from generation to generation, and there is need for intervention to break out of cycle/

4.1.7 Explain that economically less developed countries differ enormously from each other in terms of a variety of factors such as...

- Resource endowments
- Climate
- History (colonial or otherwise)
- Political systems
- Degree of political stability

4.1.8 Outline the current status of international development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.

1. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger,
2. Achieving universal primary education,
3. Promoting gender equality and empowering women,
4. Reducing child mortality rates,
5. Improving maternal health,
6. Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases,

4.2.1 Distinguish between GDP per capita figures and GNI per capita figures

GDP per capita: The inflation-adjusted value of all the goods and services produced in the country in the past year divided by the population.
GNI per capita: The inflation-adjusted value of all production from factors of production owned by a country, di

4.2.2 Compare and contrast the GDP per capita figures and the GNI per capita figures for economically more developed countries and economically less developed countries

GDP vs. GNI for MEDCs: GNI may be higher than GDP as firms in those countries have spread overseas and generate significant profits that are sent back
GDP vs. GNI for LEDCs: This differs; those who receive high FDI will have higher GDP, while those with m

4.2.3 Distinguish between GDP per capita figures and GDP per capita figures at purchasing power parity exchange rates

GDP per capita figures don't take into account the standard of living attained with a certain amount of money. While Norway might have a higher GDP per capita than Thailand, a Norwegian and a Thai person may have the same standard of living, while the Nor

4.2.4 Compare and contrast GDP per capita figures and GDP per capita figures at PPP exchange rates for MEDC and LEDCs

MEDCs will have higher PPP exchange rates than LEDCs

4.2.5 Compare and contrast two health indicators for economically more developed countries and economically less developed countries

Birth Rates: MEDCs have lower birth rates than LEDCs
Female Life Expectancy: MEDCs have higher life expectancy than LEDCs

4.2.6 Compare and contrast two education indicators for economically more developed countries and economically less developed countries

Primary student to teacher ratio: Very high in LEDCs
Adult literacy rate: Very high in MEDCs

4.2.7 Explain thta composite indicators...

... include more than one measure and so are considered to be better indicators of economic development

4.2.8 Explain the measures that make up the HDI

1. Life expectancy
2. Adult literacy & combined primary, secondary & tertiary enrolment ratio
3. GDP per capita (PPP adjusted)

4.2.9 Compare and contrast the HDI figures for MEDCs and LEDCs

MEDCs: Close to 1
LEDCs: Closer to 0

4.2.10 Explain why a country's GDP/GNI per capita global ranking may be lower or higher than its HDI global ranking

As GDP is only one part of the HDI ranking, a country with a moderately high GDP may have a lower HDI than a country with a lower GDP as the education standards and life expectancy are lower.

4.3.1a Examine how education and health contribute to economic development

- Educated population is able to contribute more to economic output than uneducated population
- Strong correlation b/w education & income: As access to education increases, productivity of workers rises, allowing them to contribute to the nati

4.3.1b Examine how the use of appropriate technology contributes to economic development

Better technology improves the productivity of the workforce and increases output. This in turn increases GDP per capita overall and improves the standard of living of individuals through the investment by private individuals and the government.

4.3.1c Examine how access to credit and micro-credit contributes to economic development

Credit & micro-credit:
- Provides entrepreneurs with capital to create start-up companies and spur economic growth

4.3.1d Examine how the empowerment of women contributes to economic development

Reduced Fertility Rates:
- The more educated women are, the fewer children they have
- This is important as it reduces dependency ratios and increases probability that the children women have are better nourished and educated, which improves the productiv

4.3.1e Examine how income distribution contributes to economic development

Improved income distribution raises the average standard of living in a nation, with better access to education and healthcare.

4.4.1a Explain how the over-specialization on a narrow range of products acts as a barrier for development for LEDCs

By over-specializing on a narrow range of exports, the country provides itself with little opportunity to acquire foreign currency, needed to buy imports.

4.4.1b Explain how the price volatility of primary products acts as a barrier for development for LEDCs

Specializing in a primary product (coffee, oil or copper) is risky because while there is almost always steady demand, there is often a great deal of price fluctuation on global commodity markets. Thus, a heavy decrease in demand when specialized in a com

4.4.1c Explain how the inability to access international markets acts as a barrier for development for LEDCs

Being unable to access international markets is problematic for LEDCs as it deprives them of a larger consumer base which could generate more output for their goods.

4.4.2a Evaluate import substitution as a means of achieving economic growth and development

Import substitution is the setting of strict tariffs and quotas on the import of certain goods to promote development of domestic industries.
- First glance: promotes development by eliminating/weakening foreign competition
- Ca

4.4.2b Evaluate export promotion as a means of achieving economic growth and development

Export promotions is when subsidies, tariffs and exchange rates controls are used to allow domestic producers to excel in foreign markets.
- Can be highly effective in increasing output
- Threat is that resources allocated to pr

4.4.2c Evaluate trade liberalization as a means of achieving economic growth and development

Trade liberalization is simply the removal of all protectionist measures
- Could possibly make imports cheaper for a nation's residents and make the country's products more attractive to foreign consumers
- May destroy domestic

4.4.2d Evaluate the role of the WTO as a means of achieving economic growth and development

WTO aims to liberalize trade and reduce the predatory aspect of trade policies by richer nations in regards to poorer nations
- Encourages the spread of free trade in the world
- WTO may pressure a developing country to remove n

4.4.2e Evaluate bilateral and regional preferential trade agreements as a means of achieving economic growth and development

Trade agreements are agreements that reduce protectionism and to some extent easen the flow of factors of production between nations.
- This helps countries work to their comparative advantages and increase their output
- The re

4.4.2f Evaluate diversification as a means of achieving economic growth and development

Diversification is the idea of diversifying the composition of a nation's output.
- By embracing the production of more goods and services, allows more opportunities to grow output and provide employment opportunities
Diversification is best a

4.5.1 Describe the nature of FDI and MNCs

Foreign Direct Investment: Investment in factors of production abroad by MNCs
Multi-National Corporations: A firm which operates in more than one country

4.5.2 Explain the reasons why MNCs expand into LEDCs

To expand the market for the goods of the MNC and to produce at lower costs.

4.5.3 Describe the characteristics of LEDCs that attract FDI.

- Low cost labor
- Natural Resources
- Political Stability
- Large domestic market
- Relaxed regulatory environment
- Liberalized free market conditions

4.5.4 Evaluate the impact of FDI for LEDCs

- Capital Improvements
- Income, employment & training
- Market efficiency & choice
- Muted effects on employment
- Limited income benefits (profits sent home/taxes avoid through accounting methods)
- Limited capital injections

4.6.1 Explain that aid is extended to LEDCs either by...

1. Governments of donor countries (called official development assistance)
2. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

4.6.2 Explain that humanitarian aid consists of

1. Food Aid
2. Medical Aid
3. Emergency Relief Aid

4.6.3 Explain that development aid consists of

1. Grants
2. Concessional long-term loans
3. Project aid (including support for schools/hospitals)
4. Programme aid that includes support for sectors such as education and finance

4.6.4 Explain that, for the most part, the priority of NGOs is...

... to provide aid on a small scale to achieve development objectives

4.6.5 Explain that aid might also come in the form of...

... tied aid (foreign aid that must be spent in the country giving the aid)

4.6.6 Explain the motivations of MEDCs giving aid

Political and strategic reasons:
- Previous colonial power might provide aid to former colonies in part due to past business and political relationships
- Sometimes in an attempt to strengthen political ties and maintain a strategic ally
- Somet

4.6.7 Compare and contrast the extent, nature and sources of ODA to two LEDCs


4.6.8 Evaluate the effectiveness of foreign aid in contributing to economic developement

- Aid is inefficient (at times used for large-scale projects that are unnecessary to embellish reputations of project administrators/donors)
- Corruption squanders aid
- Aid rarely gets to those who need it
- Aid displaces local investment and

4.6.9 Compare and contrast the roles of aid and trade in economic development

- Larger export markets could create conomies of scale
- More efficient and mature agricultural sectors earn more foreign exchange for the country
- In turns allows diversification; reducing dependency
- Reduces dependence on foreign aid and stimul

4.6.10 Examine the current roles of the IMG & World Bank in promoting economic development

World Bank:
- World Bank emphasizes sustainable development methods as opposed to economic growth. Supports poverty alleviation & debt relief as well.
- World bank loans have conditions that reduce a country's economic sovereignty
- World Bank voting proc

4.7.1 Outline the meaning of foreign debt and explain why countries borrow from foreign creditors.

Foreign debt is the money one nation owes to another nation. Countries borrow from other countries as it is an important source of investment income.

4.7.2 Explain that in some cases, countries have become ...

... heavily indebted, requiring rescheduling of the debt payments and/or conditional assistance from international organizations including the IMF & World Bank

4.7.3 Explain why the servicing of international debt causes BoP problems and has an opportunity cost in terms of foregone spending on development objectives.

By taking huge loans, developing countries accrue heavy debt, which in turn results in lower credit ratings and fewer loans with higher interest rates, crowding out public & private investment. This in turn reduces economic growth through reduced consumpt

4.7.4 Explain that the burden of debt has led to...

... pressure to cancel the debt of heavily indebted countries

4.8.1 Discuss the positive outcomes of market-oriented policies (such as liberalized trade and capital flows, privatization and deregulation)

Market-oriented policies cause a more efficient allocation of resources and economic growth

4.8.2 Discuss thenegative outcomes of marekt-orient strategies

Market-oriented strategies can lead to market failure, the development of a dual economy and income inequalities

4.8.3 Discuss the strengths of interventionist policies, including the...

Provision of infrastructure
Investment in human capital
Provision of a stable macroeconomic economy
Provision of a social safety net

4.8.4 Discuss the limitations of interventionist policies

Excessive bureaucracy
Poor planning

4.8.5 Explain the importance of good governance in the development process

While the free market tends to be the most allocatively efficient manner to control the distribution of goods in a country, good governance is also necessary. This means to support the production of merit goods through subsidies and the provision of publi

4.8.6 Discuss the view that economic development may best be achieved through a complementary approach, involving a balance of market oriented policies and government intervention.

- People are provided with merit goods such as education, social safety nets and general infrastructure
- Enables government tax revenues to increase in taxing demerit goods --> in turn leads to better infrastructure and merit goods