Economics Final Review

the term that means that resources are limited?


the study of the aggregate (or total) effects of the national economy or global economy


the study of how individual and business decisions interact.


tangible items that can be bought and sold


intangible items that can be bought and sold


the philosophy that the government should take a hand's off approach to the economy

Laissez Faire

The three economic questions

What to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce

A motivation to act or not act in one particular manner


the degree of wealth and material comfort available to a person or community

standard of living

a model of income and expenditures in the economy

circular flow model

the cost of the best thing given up in exchange for something else

Opportunity Cost

The main source of federal income

income taxes

The main source of state expenditure


when expenses exceed income


The four factors of production

Land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship

any arrangement that brings together buyers and sellers


anything that comes from the earth


the effort produced by people


any human-made resource that is used to produce other goods


the putting together of the physical factors of production


the boundary between what can and cannot be produced given the set amount of resources

Production possibilities frontier

when all possible resources are being used

full employment

when resources are not being used


movement from unemployment to full employment without opportunity cost

free lunch

Constraint or limit to what is possible that forces an exchange or a substitute of one thing for something else


when a person or firm is better at producing in all areas.

absolute advantage

When a person or firm can produce at a lower opportunity cost than others

Comparative advantage

a good that can be used in place of another good


a good that can be used along with another good


as price increases, quantity demanded decreases

law of demand

As price increases, quantity supplied increases

law of supply

movement along the demand curve; caused by a change in price

change in quantity demanded

a shift of the entire demand curve

change in demand

when quantity demanded equals quantity supplied

market equilibrium

when the price of a good changes, quantity demanded changes drastically

elastic good

when the price of a good changes, quantity demanded does not change drastically

inelastic good

when the government sets a minimum price that a good or service can be sold for

price floor

when the government sets a maximum price that a good or service can be sold for

price ceiling

a tax whose percentage increases as income increases

progressive tax

a tax whose percentage does not change, regardless of income

proportional tax

a tax whose percentage increases as income decreases

regressive tax

after a certain point, as units of labor are added, the percentage of return decreases

law of decreasing marginal returns

resources that can be increased or decreased over the short term

variable costs

resources that cannot be increased or decreased over the short term

fixed costs

a business run by a single person

sole proprietorship

a business run by two people


a business run by a group of people who are authorized to act as an autonomous entity


money stockholders receive


people who own portions of a corporation


the measure of the dollar value of all final goods and services produced within a country's boarders in a given year

Gross Domestic Product

unemployment due to a change in the seasons

seasonal unemployment

unemployment due to changes in the business cycle

cyclical unemployment

unemployment due to people entering and exiting the job market

frictional unemployment

unemployment resulting from changes in the job market

structural unemployment

the price of a fixed basket of goods, is tracked year to year and measures inflation

consumer price index

an increase in prices and a devaluation of the dollar


a period of macroeconomic expansion followed by a period of macroeconomic contraction

Business Cycle

The collection of all of the deficits the United States has accumulated over time

National Debt

Consists of increasing and decreasing taxes and increasing and decreasing government spending to manage the economy

Fiscal Policy

Actions taken by the Federal Reserve, which consists of increasing or decreasing the price of securities, the discount rate and the overnight reserve requirement to manage the economy.

Monetary policy

The regulatory organization that oversees the nation's banks

The Federal Reserve

Characterized by a fall in GDP for two consecutive quarters


Wrote "The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith