AP Macroeconomics Unit 6

If the Federal Reserve lowers the reserve requirement, which of the following would most likely occur?

Businesses will purchase more factories and equipment

Commercial Banks can create money by

lending excess reserves to customers

According to both monetarists and Keynesians, which of the following happens when the Federal Reserve reduces the discount rate?

The supply of money increases and market interest rates decrease

Which of the following constitutes the largest component of the United States money supply (MI)?

Checkable deposits (demand deposits)

A commercial bank is facing conditions given below. If the reserve requirement is 12 percent and the bank does not sell and of its securities, the maximum amount of additional lending this can undertake is
Total Reserves/ $15,000


If on receiving a checking deposit of $300 a bank's excess reserves increase by $225, the required reserve ratio must be


Which of the following is most likely to occur when the Federal Reserve buys government bonds on the open market?

Interest rates will decrease

Under a fractional reserve banking system, banks are required to

keep part of their demand deposits as reserves

An increase in the money supply will have the greatest effect on real gross domestic product if

the quantity of money demand is not very sensitive to interest rates

When consumers hold money rather than bonds because they expect the interest rate to increase in the future, they are holding money for which of the following purposes


If the Federal Reserve wishes to use monetary policy to reinforce Congress' fiscal policy changes, it should

increase the money supply when government spending is increased

Assume that the reserve requirement is 20 percent, but banks voluntarily keep some excess reserves. A $1 million increase in new reserves will result in

an increase in the money supply of less than $5 million

The federal funds rate is the interest rate that

banks charge one another for short-term loans

One way in which the Federal Reserve works to change the United States money supply is by changing the

discount rate

Open market operations refer to which of the following activities?

The buying and selling of government securities by the Federal Reserve

Which of the following most undermines the ability of a nation's currency to store value?

A decrease in the purchasing power of the currency

Suppose the required reserve ratio is 20 percent and a single bank with no excess reserves receives a $100 deposit from a new customer. The bank now has excess reserves equal to


If a commercial bank has no excess reserves and the reserve requirement is 10 percent, what is the value of new loans this single bank can issue if a new customer deposits $10,000?


The real value of the United States dollar is determined by

the goods and services it will buy

Assume that the reserve requirement is 20 percent. If a bank initially has no excess reserves and $10,000 cash is deposited in the bank, the maximum amount by which this bank may increase its loans is


To counteract a recession, the Federal Reserve should

buy securities on the open market and lower the reserve requirement

The money-creating ability of the banking system will be less than the maximum amount indicated by the money multiplier when

people hold a portion of their money in the form of currency

If a baking system's reserves are $100 billion, demand deposits are $500 billion, and the system is fully loaned-up, then the reserve requirement must be

20 percent

The required ratio is 0.2 and the Federal Reserve sells $1 million in securities. If there are no leakages and banks do not hold excess reserves, the which of the following is the change in the money supply?

A decrease of $5 million

Which of the following policy combinations is most likely to cure a severe recession?

Row B (Buy securities, decrease taxes, increase government spending)

If the public's desire to hold money as currency increases, what will the impact be on the banking system?

Banks would be less able to expand credit

Which of the following actions by the Federal Reserve reduces the ability of the banking system to create money?

Increasing the reserve requirement

Which of the following will most likely occur in an economy if more money is demanded than is supplied?

Interest rates will increase

When the Federal Reserve increases the money supply to stimulate aggregate demand, workers believe that this action will cause inflation in the future and ask for high wages to offset the expected increase in inflation. This is an example of

rational expectations