ECON Final

The licenses that are exchangeable and that enable the holder to pollute up to a specified amount during a given period are called:

Tradable Emissions Permits

There are benefits resulting indirectly from pollution because

We obtain goods and services we enjoy even though in the process we pollute.

If externalities are fully internalized, an outcome is efficient without government intervention.


Economists believe that there are more efficient ways to deal with pollution than with environmental standards because these standards do not:

Allow reductions in pollution to be achieved at a minimum cost.

There are two plants in an industry. To reduce pollution, the government has imposed environmental standards forcing each plant to cut emissions by 60%. At the emissions standard, the marginal social benefit of pollution for plant A is $500, and the margi

Allowing plant A to pollute more and requiring plant B to pollute less.

The efficient level of pollution is the quantity at which

Its total benefits to society equal its total cost to society.

Emissions taxes and tradable emissions permits both ensure that any given reduction in total pollution is achieved at the lowest possible cost. This is not the case for environmental standards, since they fail to ensure that those who can reduce pollution


With use of ____ to reduce emissions, the marginal benefit of an additional unit of pollution is the same for all polluters.

An emissions tax or a tradable emissions permit.

An advantage of tradable emissions permits is that:

They provide incentives for firms to develop technologies that are less polluting.

The marginal social benefit of pollution:

Can be measured as the additional gain to society from one additional unit of pollution.

Which of the following is usually associated with a positive externality

Innovation in the semiconductor industry.

Pigouvian Taxes:

Are designed to reduce external costs.

An externality is said to be internalized:

When individuals take external costs and benefits into account in their decision making.

The marginal social cost of pollution rises as the quantity of pollution emissions:


According to many economists, the government should:

Use its policies to achieve the least-cost reduction of carbon emissions.

According to Coase theorem, the inefficiencies caused by externalities can be removed by the private sector if individuals enter into appropriately structured deals, provided that the transaction costs of such deals are sufficiently low.


An uncompensated cost that an individual or firm imposes on others

External Cost or Negative Externalities

A benefit that an individual or firm confers on others without receiving compensation.

External Benefit or Positive Externalities

External costs and benefits


The additional cost imposed on society as a whole by an additional unit of pollution

Marginal Social Cost of Pollution

The additional gain to society as a whole from an additional unit of pollution

Marginal Social Benefit of Pollution

The quantity of pollution that society would choose if all the costs and benefits of pollution were fully accounted for.

Socially Optimal Quantity of Pollution

The marginal social benefit curve is

Downward sloping

The marginal social cost curve is

Upward sloping

The socially optimal quantity (Qopt) of pollution is

where MSB crosses MSC

The market outcome (Qmkt) is


Even in the presence of externalities an economy can always reach an efficient solution as long as transaction costs- the costs of individuals making deal- are sufficiently low.

Coase Theorem

When individuals take external costs or benefits into account they

Internalize the externality

Why don't private parties always internalize externalities?

High cost of communication and the high cost of making legally binding and timely agreements.

Rules that protect the environment by specifying actions by producers and consumers

Environmental standards

A tax that depends on the amount of pollution a firm produces or a tax designed to reduce external costs

Pigouvian or Emission tax

Licenses to emit the limited quantities of pollutants that can be bought and sold by polluters.

Tradable emissions permits

Left to its own, the market will produce

Too little of a good that confers external benefits on others

A payment designed to encourage activities that yield external benefits

Pigouvian subsidy

An external benefit that results when knowledge spreads among individuals and firms

Technology spillover

Exists when the value of a good or service is greater when a large number of other people also use the good or service.

Network Externality