U3 Test

A fundamental difference between folk culture and popular culture is that folk culture

often sets a minority group apart from a region's general population

Which of the following correctly sequences the continuum from language family to dialect?

Indo-European, Germanic, English, Midland Northern

Swahili in East Africa and English in global commerce are examples of

lingua franca

This religion believes in Marma and Samskra (the law of cause and effect)


Which of the following cultural traits is important to Americans?

All of the above ( A focus on social order over individual rights, A strong state religion, Ancestor veneration and worship, A sense of equality and fairness. )

A single attribute of culture is called a

culture trait

A group of related cultural traits is a

culture complex

The idea that cultures will modify the natural landscape to fit their needs is known as the

cultural landscape

The area of origin of a culture is called

culture hearth

Which of the following is an example of relocation diffusion?

The spread of English to the British Colonies.

Which of the following regions is considered a vernacular culture region?

The American South.

According to the Core-Domain-Sphere model

influence of a culture decreases the further one travels from the core.

Relocation diffusion is

the spread of an idea or trait through physical movement of people from one place to another.

This is the process by which a less dominant culture adopts the traits of a more dominant culture so completely that the two cultures become indistinguishable.

Cultural assimilation.

Which of these modern languages spread globally as a result of religion?


Nearly half of the people in the world speak a language from this language family.


All of the following are Latin-based Romance languages except


A regional variant of a language is known as a

language dialect

American English has adopted extensive vocabulary from which of the following languages?

All of the above (Spanish language, French language, Yiddish language, Native American languages.)

A common language that is used among speakers of different languages for the purposes of trade and commerce is called a

lingua franca

Which of the following statements about Spanglish is false?

Spanglish has developed new grammar rules as well as new vocabulary.

Which of the following is an example of a revived language?


A pidgin language

all of the above (has a limited vocabulary, has few, if any, grammar rules, is a simplified language based on two separate languages, is not the first language of any person)

Early English was influenced by all of the following groups except the


Which of the following can be considered the "parent" religion to Buddhism?


Which statement about universalizing religions is correct?

A universalizing religion seeks converts from other religions.

Which of the following religions is currently the most important religion in its area of origin?


Which pair of religions are both considered hierarchical religions?

Roman Catholicism and Islam.

Roman Catholics in North America are largely concentrated in

All of the above (Quebec, Northeastern USA, Mexico, Southwestern USA, West Coast).

Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was born in


How are Buddhism and Hinduism different?

Buddhists are polytheists; Hindus are monotheists.

Numerically speaking, which of the following Christian groups is the largest?

Roman Catholic

The Shi?ite Muslim population is concentrated in

Iran and part of Iraq

Which of the following would be considered a sacred site for Christians?

Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

Which pair are both considered ethnic religions?

Hinduism and Judaism.

Jerusalem is a sacred city for all of the following religions except


Numerically speaking, which of the following religions has the smallest number of adherents?


Popular Culture is characterized by all of the following except

homogeneous population.

Examples of non-material aspects of culture include all of the following except


Which two cities in the United States often serve as hearths for popular culture?

New York and Los Angeles.

All of the following are characteristics of folk cultures except

folk cultures are spread hierarchically.

Ethnocentrism is

the belief that one's own ethnic group is superior to others.

Apartheid, a policy of racial segregation from 1948-1990, was the official policy of which country's government?

South Africa

African-Americans predominately live in

the South and northern US Cities.

The largest minority group in the United States is


When waves of cultural groups move into an area and modify the human imprint of the cultural landscape, this is known as

sequent occupance

What process contributes to the existence and growth of ethnic enclaves in urban areas?

Chain migration

Jihad, Salat, Ramadan are all associated with which of the following religions?


Abraham is an important figure in which of the following religions? (mark all that apply)


This group resented the partition of India, when it didn't include independence for them.
