Forensics Toxicology Lecture

forensic toxicology

helps determine the cause-and-effect relationships between exposure to a drug or other substances an the toxic or lethal effects from that exposure

deliberate exposure

treating an illness or relieving pain

accidental exposure

by harmful combos or overdose

intentional exposure

by harming or killing others, or by suicide


produced by the clostridium tetani bacteria, causes violent muscle spasms


produced by clostridium botulinum, paralyzes muscles, causes irreversible damage to nerve endings, extremely deadly in small amounts, most poisonous biological substance

Pesticides (DDT)

interferes with nervous system preventing nerve impulses and voluntary muscle contractions: seizures, rapid heart beat, sweating, salivation


Chemical element that cannot be absorbed by the body. Acutely impacts the brain: blue discoloration along gum line, headaches, irritability, memory problems


chemical element that impacts the nervous system, cardiovascular, and immune system: flu like symptoms, personality changes, irritability


chemical element that causes multisystem failure and bleeding out: abdominal pain, kidney failure, convulsions, delirium, skin lesions, personality changes, flu like symptoms


rapidly acting potentially deadly chemical that can exist in various forms: pink skin, almond like odor, spasms, confusion, coma, death


naturally occurring radioactive metal formed from the decay of uranium and thorium in the environment: flu like symptoms, hair loss, internal bleeding, damages bone marrow


toxic, volatile, colorless, highly flammable liquid with a distinct odor like alcohol: weakness, disorientation, headache, vomiting, loss of vision, paralysis, coma, death

Carbon Monoxide

colorless, odorless, tasteless, flammable gas that is slightly less dense than air: flu like, chest pain, confusion, unconsciousness, death


extremely toxic nerve agent known to be colorless, odorless liquid: paralysis, convulsions, death

Agent Orange

potent chemical herbicide used as a defoliant chemical: birth defects, cancer, skin lesions, numbness, tingling, muscles weakness


a poisonous protein in the castor bean, lethal in extremely small amounts, enters body through inhalation, ingestion, or injection, causes death within a few hours