rhetoric triangles AP comp study guide

ethos triangle

PRACTICAL WISDOM- a knowledge that the speaker has from experiences
BRAGGING- talking most and highly about yourself only
SECOND-HAND BRAGGING- someone else speaking highly of you or talking about yourself indirectly in a good way

appeals triangle

ethos: character/trust
pathos: emotions/values
logos: logic/reason

kairos triangle

who?- speaker
what?- subject
when?- time/place

common topic triangle

DEFINITION: arguing by defining facts; definition by genus, definition by division
COMPARISON: showing similarities and differences; argument of similarity, argument of difference, argument of degree
RELATIONSHIP: how things correlate; cause and effect, a

argumentative triangle

VALUE- demonstrative, present
FACT- forensic, present
POLICY- deliberative, future

speaker's audience triangle

INTENDED- the group of people whom the author wants to reach.
IDEAL/IMAGINARY- what the best audience would be for the speaker's piece
ACTUAL- who actually reads the speakers piece

types of audience triangle

HOSTILE- against the subject the speaker is talking about
COMPLICIT- agree with speakers subject
PASSIVE- neutral, uninterested in subject

rhetorical situation

speaker- who is speaking and their ethos
subject- what they are speaking about
audience- who is listening to the speech and their values

character (of audience)term-6

Absolute- something that the speaker knows to be absolutely true about the audience
ask- something that is suggested by the audience that can be based on gender, race age etc.
assume- something that is assumed by a speaker