Common Errors of Reasoning Powerscore

General Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion

The author cites irrelevant data

General Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion

draws a conclusion that is not warranted by the evidence provided

General Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion

It uses inapplicable information to draw a conclusion about the character of the witness

General Lack of Relevant Evidence for the Conclusion

It fails to give any reason for the judgment it reaches

Internal Contradiction

bases a conclusion on claims that are inconsistent with each other

Internal Contradiction

the author makes irreconcilable presuppositions

Internal Contradiction

introduces information that actually contradicts the conclusion

Internal Contradiction

claims presented support of the conclusion conflict with the other evidence provided

Exceptional Case/Overgeneralization

supports a general claim on the basis of a single example

Exceptional Case/Overgeneralization

generalizes on the basis of what could be exceptional cases

Exceptional Case/Overgeneralization

bases a broad claim on a few exceptional cases

Lack of evidence for a position is taken to prove that position is false

treats failure to prove a claim as constituting denial of that claim

Lack of evidence for a position is taken to prove that position is false

taking a lack of evidence for a claim as evidence undermining the claim

Lack of evidence against a position is taken to prove that position is true

treating the failure to prove a claim to be false as if it is a demonstration of the truth of that claim

Some evidence against a position is taken to prove that the position is false

it confuses weakening an argument in support of a given conclusion with proving the conclusion itself to be false

Some evidence for a position is taken to prove that the position is true

the argument treats evidence showing mere plausibility as if it proves that the conclusion is in fact true

Source Argument

it is directed against the proponent of a claim rather than against the claim itself

Source Argument

the attack is directed against the person making the argument rather than directing it against the argument itself

Source Argument

it draws conclusions about the validity of a position from evidence about the position's source

Source Argument

Assuming that legislation should not be supported based on the character of some supporters of the legislation

Circular Reasoning

argues circularly by assuming the conclusion is true in stating the premises

Circular Reasoning

presupposes what it sets out to prove

Circular Reasoning

it assumes what it is attempting to demonstrate

Mistaken Negation

taking the absence of an occurrence as evidence that a necessary condition for that occurrence also did not take place

Mistaken Reversal

mistakes being sufficient to achieve a particular outcome being required to achieve it

Confuses a necessary condition for a sufficient condition

from the assertion that something is necessary to a given goal, the argument concludes that that thing is sufficient for its achievement

Confuses a necessary condition for a sufficient condition

it acts as if something that is necessary for a good leader is something that is sufficient to create a good leader

Confuses a sufficient condition for a necessary condition

confuses a sufficient condition with a required condition

Assuming a causal relationship on the basis of the sequence of events

mistakes the occurrence of one event after another for proof that the second event is the result of the first

Assuming a causal relationship on the basis of the sequence of events

mistakes a temporal relationship for a causal relationship

Assuming a causal relationship when only a correlation exists

confusing the coincidence of two events with a causal relation between the two

Assuming a causal relationship when only a correlation exists

Assumes a causal relationship where only a correlation has been indicated

Failure to consider an alternate cause for the effect, or an alternate cause for both the cause and effect

fails to exclude an alternative expiation for the observed effect

Failure to consider an alternate cause for the effect, or an alternate cause for both the cause and effect

overlooks the possibility that the same thing may causally contribute to both

Failure to consider that the events may be reversed

the author mistakes an effect for a cause

Straw Man

refutes a distorted version of an opposing position

Straw Man

misdescribing the opposing position, thus making it easier to challenge

Straw Man

portrays opponents' views as more extreme than they really are

Straw Man

distorts the proposal advocated by opponents

Appeal to Authority

the judgment of experts is applied to a matter in which their expertise is not relevant

Appeal to Authority

the argument improperly appeals to the authority of the supervisor

Appeal to Authority

bases a conclusion solely on the authority of the claimant, without seeking further proof

Appeal to Popular Opinion/Appeal to Numbers

popular sentiment is treated as definitive proof of a claim

Appeal to Popular Opinion/Appeal to Numbers

the argument tries to undermine the claim by appealing to public opinion

Appeal to Popular Opinion/Appeal to Numbers

a conclusion is judged to be false simply because most people believe it to be false

Appeal to Popular Opinion/Appeal to Numbers

the author makes an appeal to public opinion without requiring an adequate basis for the conclusion of the argument

Appeal to Emotion

attempts to persuade by making an emotional appeal

Appeal to Emotion

the argument appeals to emotion rather than reason

Survey Errors

uses evidence drawn from a sample that may not be representative

Survey Errors

bases a conclusion on survey responses that were gained through faulty questioning

Survey Errors

generalizes from an unrepresentative sample

Survey Errors

assumes that every polled individual provided a truth response

Error of Composition

assuming that because something is true of each of the parts of a whole it is true of the whole itself

Error of Composition

improperly infers that all union members have a certain attribute from the premise that most union members have that attribute

Error of Composition

takes the beliefs of one scientist to represent the belief of all scientists

Error of Division

presumes without warrant that what is true of a whole must also be true to each of its parts

Uncertain Use of a Term/Concept

depending on the ambiguous use of a key term

Uncertain Use of a Term/Concept

it confuses two different meanings of the word 'genius'

Uncertain Use of a Term/Concept

the author's conclusion depends on defining a key term in two different ways

Uncertain Use of a Term/Concept

equivocates with respect to a central concept

False Analogy

treats two very different cases as if they are similar

False Analogy

treats two things that differ in critical respects as if they do not differ

False Dilemma

fails to consider that some voters may be neither strong supporters nor strong opponents of the suggested amendment

Time-Shift Errors

treats a claim about the current state of affairs as if it were a claim about what has been the case for an extended period

Time-Shift Errors

draws an unwarranted inference from what has been true in the past to what will be true in the future

Relativity Flaw

Occurs when information about a relative relationship is used to draw an absolute conclusion, or when a relative conclusion is drawn from absolute information.

Numbers and Percentages Errors

the argument confuses an increase in market share with an increase in overall revenue

Numbers and Percentages Errors

Many errors in this category are committed when an author improperly equates a percentage with a definite quantity or when they use quantity information to make a judgment about the percentage represented by that quantity.

Time-Shift Error

This mistake involves assuming that conditions will remain constant over time, and that what was the case in the past will be the base in the present or future.

False Dilemma

This assumes that only two courses of action are available when there may be others.

False Analogy

This occurs when the author uses an analogy that is too dissimilar to the original situation to be applicable.

Uncertain Use of a Term/Concept

Using a term in different way is inherently confusing.

Error of Division

Occurs when the author attributes a characteristic of the whole to a part of the group.

Error of Composition

Occurs when the author attributes a characteristic of part of the group to the group as a whole or to each member of the group.

Appeal to Emotion

Occurs when emotions or emotionally-charged language is used in an attempt to persuade the reader.

Appeal to Popular Opinion/Appeal to Numbers

This error states that a position is true because the majority believe it to be true.

Appeal to Authority

This uses the opinion of an authority in an attempt to persuade the reader.

Straw Man

This error occurs when an author attempts to attack an opponent's position by ignoring the actual statements made by the opposing speaker and instead distorts and refashions the argument, making it weaker in the process.

Circular Reasoning

Author assumes as true what is supposed to be proved. Premise and conclusion are identical in meaning.

Source Argument

This argument attacks the person instead of the argument they advance.

Exceptional Case/Overgeneralization

This error takes a small number of instances and treats those instances as if they support a broad, sweeping conclusion.

Errors in the Use of Evidence

Where evidence is used incorrectly.

Lack of evidence for a position is taken to prove that position is false

Just because no evidence proving a position has been introduced doesn't mean that the position is false

Lack of evidence against a position is taken to prove that position as true

Just because no evidence disproving a position has been introduced does not mean that the position is true. The lack of evidence against a position does not undeniable prove a position.