SOC 316 Dr. Taylor Exam 1

There are four major areas studied in relation to youth development. Which of the following is NOT one of those areas?


Which of the following age groups is specifically noted for engaging in approved behaviors to avoid punishment?

6-8 year olds

Which age group is noted for romanticizing things, for being the group that is searching for intimacy?

15-17 year olds

They're brash, they're narcissistic, they're entitled. Or so the clich� goes." Who is described in this NY Times quote?

The Millennials

While both Millennials and Generation Z are characterized by their use of technology, there are several key differences in how these two generations use technology. Choose all of the following that accurately describe such a difference.

- Platform; Millennials and Generation Z prefer different online platforms (Facebook versus Twitter versus Snapchat, etc)
- Privacy; Generation Z is much more cautious about posting private information on technological platforms

In the supplementary reading this week, one particular generation was repeatedly characterized as health-conscious, do-goodish, and communal. Which generation was it?

The Millennials

In which age group are youth beginning to be able to see themselves from the viewpoint of others and similarly are able to consider many perspectives of a given issue?


In the Goldman-Sachs infographic, what is meant by the "sharing economy"?

Younger generations' preference for car sharing and renting over car or home ownership

Which generation is identified as digital natives?

Both Generation Z and Millennials

Rank the following intellectual abilities in the order in which youth typically develop them [1=earliest/6-8 year olds, 4=latest/15-17 year olds].
_____Learning to use good judgement
_____Mastering abstract thinking
_____Establishing the connection betwee

2 - Learning to use good judgement
4 - Mastering abstract thinking
1 - Establishing the connection between cause and effect
3 - Developing ability to use logic

Which of the following was not one of Obama's K-12 education initiatives?

Implementing Bush's No Child Left Behind program

According to the reading on emerging adulthood, what is not one of the societal trends that has caused emerging adulthood to become a new phase of life?

Most youth want to shirk their responsibilities for as long as possible

According to the book, what is one new problem that has arisen from the use of technology in American education.

Schools in low-income communities do not always have the funds to buy new technology

Who is the current US secretary of education?

Betsy DeVos

According to the book, twentieth century education trained youth to get jobs in what kind of economy?

An Industrial Economy

According to the article on side hustles, which of the following is a reason that many millennials are working side hustles/second jobs?

- The 2008 financial crisis required many millennials to work a second job to make enough money to survive
- Side hustles offers the psychological benefit of making people feel that they aren't "stuck" in their primary job
- Side hustles are a good way to

What is the goal of Trump's executive order on education?

To return the right of making decisions about education to states and localities

True or false: There are still societies where families prefer their children to perform manual labor over going to school.


What is the current administration's policy on STEM in K-12 education?

- The current Department of Education will announce their position on Obama's STEM initiative after a 300 day review
Trump has announced that the Department of Education will increase funding to K-12 STEM programs

According to the reading on emerging adulthood, which of the following is not a characteristic of this life phase?

Boredom from having been stuck in the same job for a long time


- Rooted in the merging of two terms: the Latin word
(companion) and the Greek word
(study of).
- It is the study of social interactions within society
- Sociology is the analysis of the structure of social relationships as constituted by soc


the collective body that moves daily by rules, policies set by the government

The Physical, Social, Emotional, and Intellectual characteristics of 6 to 8 year-olds

: mastering physical skills, have better control over large muscles than small muscles.
: learning how to be friends (may have several bffs at once), becoming aware of peers and their opinions, family oriented
: see fairnes

The Physical, Social, Emotional, and Intellectual characteristics of 9 to 11 year-olds

: steady increase of large muscle development, strength, balance, and coordination, very active, a lot of energy, diff. maturation rates between sexes - girls mature faster, increase in small muscle coordination
: see adults as authori

The Physical, Social, Emotional, and Intellectual characteristics of 12 to 14 year-olds

: sexual maturity and growth patterns btwn genders, rapid changes in physical appearance, appearance occurs at diff. rates
: interested in activities involving opposite sex, looking more to peers than parents, seek acceptance and trust

The Physical, Social, Emotional, and Intellectual characteristics of 15 to 17 year-olds

: concerned about body image, small range in size and maturity among peers, have realistic view of limits of their body
: search for intimacy, make commitments, desire respect, want adult leadership roles, commit to follow through

The Physical, Social, Emotional, and Intellectual characteristics of 18 to 19 year-olds

: growth tapered off, no preoccupied w body changes, adult bodies - not prepared for adulthood
: value committed relationships, looking for adult settings, make own decisions, support from adults, but only in guidance, developing commu

Soylent Green

sci-fi film, 1960s, dystopian society, where people are put to death at the age of 30 and made to be a food source (pill)

Soylent Green theme inspiration

college student activist Abbie Hoffman, declared anyone over 30 not to be trusted in the 1986 counterculture movement

Which generation brought out the idea of public and parochial education?

Baby boomers

During the 20th century the U.S. society began to finally stand up for which social issue?

child labor

What did the 20th century education include?

K-12, college, and professional school

How has college changed in the 21st century?

- Used to be a means for a better way of life for the baby boomers
- Today's youth question whether college is necessary
- College costs have skyrocketed
- Pub. Ed. is struggling in many states

What age are we living in right now?

Technical age

Generation Z

- Born after the millennials, early 90s to mid 2000s
- Next big retail distributer
- Born after 9/11 and aftermath of recession
- Set apart by technology
- Learning to use social media by millennial mistakes
- Entrepreneurs

Which generation is most ethnically diverse?

Generation Z

Generation X

- Obsessed with safety
- Grew up in the 90s, post 70s funk

Which generation was the first to be raised in the smartphone era?

Generation Z

Who are the digital natives?

Generation Z and Millennials


- Often painted as narcissistic brats
- Brash
- Obsessed with nutrition
- Empathetic, optimists

How has technology affected society?

Changed everything:
- New socioeconomic institution replacing industrial age
Created adversity in job pool

How has technology affected the class system

- Further divides the classes
- Poor continues to fall behind

Which fields of work are on the rise and decline in this country today due to technology?

Manufacturing on the decline, communications on the rise

Definition of youth, based on human development model

Begins at 8 (child development period), continues into adolescence or the teen years, and ends with the beginning of the young adult era.

Technology has become the new socioeconomic institution replacing the ___________ age.


When did technology begin?

with the days of prehistoric cave people, fire, torches, and carts.
Ex: There were buildings created during biblical days to medieval history, and technology spurred castles, weapons of war, and the use of ships with navigation tools.

Skilled workers will be replaced by what in the near future?


Transition vs. Transformation

Transition means to move to the next level (junior to senior)
Transform means you become something different


Anyone who is under the age of an adult, but behaves like an adult
- Many times bc the parent has substance abuse problem
- You have to grow up quickly
- Exposed to extreme conditions where they are force to think like an adult.
- Childhood is stripped fr

Historically education has been a controversial subject in society


What was the expectation for young people and their families?

Education was able to prepare our youth for either personal or professional matters

How was education able to prepare our youth for either personal or professional matters?

- Many cities had public school systems partnered with communities for adult education
- Many urban, rural, and suburban communities had after-school community programs that provided education, vocational skills, language training, music, and home improve

What does society expect in this new world?

Society expects a changing world that looks at the future of jobs with a different view than the 20th century.

As America changes, how will education be considered?

- Public education is troubled in many states
- Charter and private schools are changing how youth are educated in many places
- Cost of college has brought more demand for good jobs

Society is no longer an industrial based economy as the information-technical age is well established


Expectations of youth in America are not necessarily homogenous or one dimensional.


The varying expectations of youth in this new century have shown the challenge is complicated and brings new charges as to how youth and society will coexist.


American expectations along with the global society must face new concerns as climate control, worldwide violence, old and new wars, diseases such as Ebola, and growing religious perceptions and conflicts arise.


What is happening to urban cities like Detroit and Flint when it comes to jobs and technology?

The dependency on technology has also eliminated many non skilled jobs.

Humans Need Not Apply

A video that claims that even skilled work will be replaced by robotics in the near future

The impact of technology on youth and society is great overall. Examples:

- Training for a job, music, writing papers
- Wars are using more technical weapons than ever in human history

Technology has been ___________, __________, and _____________ for American society.

controversial, positive, negative

Youth have learned that technology is __________, __________, and ____________.

constant, easy to access, reliable

Right to Work Movement

moderately successful in improving the legal environment for workers not wishing to belong to unions

Old Education Model

- Traditional education ruled supreme
- Youth had no meaningful say in what education meant or was
- Baby boomers brought the concept of public and parochial education
- Education was valued by man and opposed too.
- People endorsed labor and manual labor

New Education Model

- Young people question traditional education structures
- Is college necessary?
- Older generations view the expectations of youth as self-centered (financially-focused, personal goals, not much community give back/building)

Modern Education in the 20th Century (1900s)

- Had expectation for young girls and their families
- Education was able to prepare our youth for either personal or professional matters
- Public school systems partnered with communities for adult education (after-school community programs that provide

Society says _________ leads to __________.

education, employment


A population group unified by a specific common characteristic


teenager was after war"
youth became problem that needed to be controlled, started boycotts, don't trust parents, called them flappers which was young youth, children army parents were struggling and couldn't take care of them, job training but getting p


begins at age 8

6-8 yr olds

mastering skills, better control of large muscles than small
learning how to be friends
see fairness as being nice so they are nice
learning to sort things out

9-11 yr olds

development fast
see adults as authority
higher attention span
use good judgement

12-14 yr olds

prime age for leadership roles and decision making
changes in appearance
looking at peers more than parents
compare themselves
use logic

15-17 yr olds

concerned w body image
make commitments
search for careers
abstract thinking

18-19 yr olds

adult bodies
make own decisions
future plans

K-12 education

race to top: raising standards
redesigning no child left behind
redesigning hs
keeping teachers in class room

reform for future

excellent teachers
improving undergrad
new technology
respect project: 5 bill grant

trumps education

extra 200 mill a year in grants to focus on computer science

Greatest threat?

Artificial facts on the internet

Emerging adult hood

late teens, through twenties

5 features of early adult hood

age of identity
self focus
feeling in between


average now 28 m 24 w
later bc college
development of birth control

Side hustle

offers a hedge against feeling stuck as well as extra money

Which age group judges ideas in absolutes, right or wrong and does not have much tolerance for middle ground?


Our first reading discussed how the 1960s experienced the emergence of hippies, student campus rebellions, and a counterpart culture. The link titled "Takin' it to the Streets" mentioned a group of college students against the Vietnam War. What did these


The end of chapter 1 says, "the problem is that the Internet does not educate...or does it?" In one of the NPR articles, the author speaks about selfie culture. Which of the following was NOT part of the selfies she discussed?

Strike the hike

In the NYT article, Generation Z was said to have obvious parallels with which other generation?

Silent generation

Which generation is relatively small, jaded and came of age in the post-Watergate, post-Vietnam funk of the 1970s, when horizons seemed limited?

Generation X