text completion - NO SHIFT / SHIFT

cause and effect words

because, given that, as a result of, since, therefore, thus - NO SHIFT

what to look for in an elaboration text completion?

colon, hyphen, semi-colon

apposition sentences blank is usually

similar to / synonym of word before the comma

how to solve reverser?

oppose word with comma if blank is before comma

reverser words

however, contrary to, in opposition, though, although, even, despite, yet, but, on the other hand

nonetheless and regardless are similar in meaning to


in double shift sentence find the meaning of the word


time shift clues are

once, at one time, at first, then...now

time shift sentences

opposite of the keyword

perception shifts

shift in the way a person/group views an object/person

in a perception shift the answer is usually

opposite of original perception

nonetheless, albeit posthumorously, not without, despite, indeed

multiple shift sentences

false contrast sentences

are not always an opposite or near a shift word

cause and effect words

because, given that, as a result of, since, therefore, thus - NO SHIFT

what to look for in an elaboration text completion?

colon, hyphen, semi-colon

apposition sentences blank is usually

similar to / synonym of word before the comma

how to solve reverser?

oppose word with comma if blank is before comma

reverser words

however, contrary to, in opposition, though, although, even, despite, yet, but, on the other hand

nonetheless and regardless are similar in meaning to


in double shift sentence find the meaning of the word


time shift clues are

once, at one time, at first, then...now

time shift sentences

opposite of the keyword

perception shifts

shift in the way a person/group views an object/person

in a perception shift the answer is usually

opposite of original perception

nonetheless, albeit posthumorously, not without, despite, indeed

multiple shift sentences

false contrast sentences

are not always an opposite or near a shift word