Developmental Milestones

Trust vs. Mistrust

Learns to trust others & environment
Clean clothing
Needs consistency in caregiver and routine
Mistrust develops when basic needs are not met

Autonomy vs. shame & doubt

Self-control without loss of self-esteem
Ability to cooperate & express self
Learns to control body (toilet training)
Doing things for self is important
Constantly criticized about something, or feelings of no control

Preschool: 3-5 years
Initiative vs. guilt: Erikson

Learns the amount assertiveness & purpose influence the environment
Begins to evaluate own behavior
Develops conscience
If actions are in conflict with parents' ideas, guilt may develop and child may feel lack of purpose.

Industry vs. inferiority: Erikson

Creates, develops and manipulates
Develops a sense of competence & pride
Learns to compete, cooperate, follow rules
Goals too high, unable to meet expectations

Identity vs role confusion

Body matures, thought processes become more complex.
Self, family, peer group and community are examined and redefined.
If unable to develop a sense of self, may experience confusion in one or more roles in life.

Sensorimotor Phase I 0-1 mo

Sucking, rooting, and grasping

Sensorimotor Phase II 1-4 mo

Primary Circular Reaction
Will repeat behavior of reflex. i.e. grasp toy

Sensorimotor Phase III 4-8 mo

Secondary Circular Reaction
More aware of environment
Cause and effect i.e. sound of bottle preparation

Sensorimotor Phase IV 8-12 mo

Coordination of Secondary Schemata
Object permanence begins, remembers where a hidden object might be.

Sensorimotor Phase V 12-18 mo

tertiary Circular Reaction:
Stranger anxiety develops
Curiosity, experimentation
Puts objects in mouth and bangs them.

Sensorimotor Phase VI 18-24 mo

Mental combinations
Object permanence fully developed
Language develops

Preconceptual Phase

2-4 years
Uses an egocentric approach to accommodate the demands of the environment
Everything is significant and relates to "me"
Explores the environment
Language development is rapid. Associates words with objects

Intuitive Thought

Transductive reasoning
Drawing conclusions from one general fact to another
Cause and effect relationships often unrealistic
i.e. mom and dad are upset with a behavior, child falls and breaks their arm...may think it is punishment.
Words express thoughts

Concrete Operations

7-11 yrs.
More accurate reasoning of cause and effect
Begins to understand relative concepts, such as size
Begins to categorize, serialize and group items
Understands right and left
Cognizant of viewpoints

Formal operations

11-15 years
Uses rational thinking
Full mature intellectual though developed
Abstract thinking, can consider different outcomes.
Reasoning is deductive & futuristic

Trust vs. Mistrust

Learns to trust others & environment
Clean clothing
Needs consistency in caregiver and routine
Mistrust develops when basic needs are not met

Autonomy vs. shame & doubt

Self-control without loss of self-esteem
Ability to cooperate & express self
Learns to control body (toilet training)
Doing things for self is important
Constantly criticized about something, or feelings of no control

Preschool: 3-5 years
Initiative vs. guilt: Erikson

Learns the amount assertiveness & purpose influence the environment
Begins to evaluate own behavior
Develops conscience
If actions are in conflict with parents' ideas, guilt may develop and child may feel lack of purpose.

Industry vs. inferiority: Erikson

Creates, develops and manipulates
Develops a sense of competence & pride
Learns to compete, cooperate, follow rules
Goals too high, unable to meet expectations

Identity vs role confusion

Body matures, thought processes become more complex.
Self, family, peer group and community are examined and redefined.
If unable to develop a sense of self, may experience confusion in one or more roles in life.

Sensorimotor Phase I 0-1 mo

Sucking, rooting, and grasping

Sensorimotor Phase II 1-4 mo

Primary Circular Reaction
Will repeat behavior of reflex. i.e. grasp toy

Sensorimotor Phase III 4-8 mo

Secondary Circular Reaction
More aware of environment
Cause and effect i.e. sound of bottle preparation

Sensorimotor Phase IV 8-12 mo

Coordination of Secondary Schemata
Object permanence begins, remembers where a hidden object might be.

Sensorimotor Phase V 12-18 mo

tertiary Circular Reaction:
Stranger anxiety develops
Curiosity, experimentation
Puts objects in mouth and bangs them.

Sensorimotor Phase VI 18-24 mo

Mental combinations
Object permanence fully developed
Language develops

Preconceptual Phase

2-4 years
Uses an egocentric approach to accommodate the demands of the environment
Everything is significant and relates to "me"
Explores the environment
Language development is rapid. Associates words with objects

Intuitive Thought

Transductive reasoning
Drawing conclusions from one general fact to another
Cause and effect relationships often unrealistic
i.e. mom and dad are upset with a behavior, child falls and breaks their arm...may think it is punishment.
Words express thoughts

Concrete Operations

7-11 yrs.
More accurate reasoning of cause and effect
Begins to understand relative concepts, such as size
Begins to categorize, serialize and group items
Understands right and left
Cognizant of viewpoints

Formal operations

11-15 years
Uses rational thinking
Full mature intellectual though developed
Abstract thinking, can consider different outcomes.
Reasoning is deductive & futuristic