Communication 105

topical organization

organizes a speech according to aspects, subtopics, or topics. B. Chronological Division- organizes speech according to a time sequence
Ex:Types of Wine
I. Red Wines
A. European
1. Bordeaux
2. Chianti
B. Californian
1. Zinfandel
2. Pinot Noir


the fact of being primary, preeminent, or more important.





Chronological Organization

organizes speech according to a time sequence.

Spatial Organization

organizes a speech according to the geography or physical structure of the subject.

Cause-and-effect Organization

To identify it, ask yourself: What happened first? What was the result? Did something good or bad happen? Why?

Problem-solution organization

A pattern of organization that analyzes a problem in terms of 1. harm, 2. significance, 3. cause; ant that proposes a solution which is 1. Described 2. feasible, and 3. advantageous. Identifies and analyzes a problem and proposes a solution.

Soft evidence


Hard evidence






Initial preview


Internal preview




Verbal Transition


Nonverbal Transition




Final summary


Internal summary
