Ch.1 from The Fundamentals of Political Science Research


something that varies (e.g. voter turnout)


tentative conjecture about the causes of some phenomenon of interest


theory-based statement about a relationship that we expect to observe

null hypothesis

theory-based statement about what we would expect to observe if our theory were incorrect.

hypothesis testing

process in which scientists evaluate systematically collected evidence to make a judgment of whether the evidence favors their hypothesis or favors the corresponding null hypothesis.


based on observations of the real world


shared assumptions and accepted theories

normal science

state of research under an accepted paradigm

paradigm shift

idea that breaks a current paradigm

variable label

description of what the variable is

variable values

denominations in which the variable occurs (e.g. years, days, hours).


conjecture that the independent variable is causally related to the dependent variable

independent variable

variable that helps explain or influence change in a dependent variable

dependent variable

variable that measures an outcome of a study

causal explanation

An answer to the question of a theory, "Why do you think that this independent variable is causally related to this dependent variable"?


to measure variables

positive relationship

relationship for which higher values of the independent variable coincide with higher values of the dependent variable.

negative relationship

relationship for which higher values of the independent variable coincide with lower values of the dependent variable


a simplified description of a complex entity or process


term used to describe a situation in which two variables vary together


direct cause-and-effect link between the variables


r, which measures the direction and strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables

normative statements

statements about how the world ought to be


describing a simple theory. A parsimonious theory is more appealing.