SAT Vocab 10


Heedful of all circumstances affecting a situation; watchful ADJ.

Circumspect Syn

Cautious, careful, prudent

Circumspect Ant

Foolhardy, impractical

Circumspect Ex

Handling so much money that belonged to others, of course he was _


Willfully and persistently resistant to authority; rebellious ADJ.

Contumacious Syn

Rebellious, obstreperous

Contumacious Ant

Compliant, obedient

Contumacious Ex

Always _, he tore up the parking ticket in front of the policemen.


To express disapproval of; speak poorly of V.

Deprecate Syn

Disparage, diminish, denigrate

Deprecate Ant

Esteem, favor

Deprecate Ex

Because of his many failures, he would often _ himself.


Deception by means of speaking or seeming to act one way while acting another N.

Duplicity Syn

Double-dealing, hypocrisy, deception, treachery

Duplicity Ant

Fidelity, forthrightness, truthfulness

Duplicity Ex

The spy was well-trained in _; he could fool the best of the enemy


Duplicity, especially when accomplished legally; deceit N.

Chicanery Syn

Trickery, duplicity, fraudulence

Chicanery Ant


Chicanery Ex

Through _, the fox and the cat were able to cheat Pinnochio out of his gold coins.


Without scruples, unprincipled ADJ.

Unconscionable Syn

Unscrupulous, dishonest, unethical

Unconscionable Ant

Moral, ethical

Unconscionable Ex

The hospitable host discovered some silverware missing; he decided his light-fingered guests were _.


Friendliness, good will, benevolence N.

Amicability Syn

Brotherhood, fraternity, companionship

Amicability Ant

Hostility, antagonism

Amicability Ex

People are apt to seek friendship; nations, if so inclined, pursue _.


Persevering and constant in effort or application; assiduous ADJ.

Sedulous Syn

Persevering, industrious, diligent, assiduous

Sedulous Ant

Lazy, idle, slothful

Sedulous Ex

The _ shoemaker worked until nightfall fashioning shoes.


Having imposing physical strength; firm and resolute ADJ.

Stalwart Syn

Steadfast, sturdy, robust

Stalwart Ant


Stalwart Ex

The Scottish Highlanders were _ warriors.


Not letting up, unceasing ADJ.

Unremitting Syn

Constant, incessant, relentless

Unremitting Ant

Slackened, loosed

Unremitting Ex

The _ rain of three days' duration nearly drove her mad.


Avoiding exertion in mind or body; indulging in ease ADJ.

Indolent Syn

Slothful, idle, lazy

Indolent Ant

Energetic, animated

Indolent Ex

The _ boys, not given to exertion, sprawled under the oak tree.


Inducing or tending to induce sleep ADJ.

Soporific Syn

Sleep-inducing, drowsy, somnolent

Soporific Ant

Alert, wide-eyed


Sluggish, inactive, an apathetic ADJ.

Lethargic Syn

Torpid, sluggish, dull

Lethargic Ant

Alert, energetic, responsive

Lethargic Ex

In contrast to his entire family, wide-awake and alert people, he tended to be _.

Soporific Ex

Awakened from a deep sleep, he answered the phone in a _ way.


Without impurity or blemish, absolutely clean ADJ.

Immaculate Syn

Spotless, pure, clean

Immaculate Ant

Besmirched, stained, tainted

Immaculate Ex

He washed and buffed his car until it was _.


Bitter animosity, malice or spitefulness N.

Rancor Syn

Enmity, hatred, malice

Rancor Ant

Good-will, civility

Rancor Ex

His annoyance with his neighbor's barking dogs finally turned into _.


Instill, stamp on the mind V.

Inculcate Syn

Impress, train, coach

Inculcate Ant

Remove, erase

Inculcate Ex

The Puritans sought to _ a code of ethics that excluded most pleasures, including dancing.


To cast away, refuse to acknowledge V.

Repudiate Syn

Reject, renounce

Repudiate Ant

Confirm, concede

Repudiate Ex

His partner's dishonesty caused him to _ their contract.


Breach of faith or trust N.

Perfidy Syn

Duplicity, betrayal, treachery, faithlessness

Perfidy Ant

Fidelity, faithfulness

Perfidy Ex

_ is never so complete as when it has most effitively assumed the mask of sincerity.


Violence or impetuosity of feeling N.

Vehemence Syn

Forcefulness, ardor, enthusiasm

Vehemence Ant

Indifference, unconcern

Vehemence Ex

Her _ as she defended her position impressed both her defenders and detractors.


To chastise, correct, or punish; criticize severely V.

Castigate Syn

Discipline, flog, punish

Castigate Ant

Compliment, laud

Castigate Ex

It is useless to _ an animal if it doesn't understand why it's being punished.


Adhering to what is commonly accepted ADJ.

Orthodox Syn

Customary, traditional

Orthodox Ant

Heretical, differing

Orthodox Ex

She was accepted readily as long as she subscribed to the _ beliefs of the small town.


Unintentional, accidental ADJ.

Inadvertent Syn

Unmindful, accidental

Inadvertent Ant

Purposeful, intentional

Inadvertent Ex

His _ mispronunciation of her name caused a commotion in the classroom.


Of a pleasant disposition, agreeable ADJ.

Congenial Syn

Convivial, complaisant

Congenial Ant

Ill-humored, disagreeable

Congenial Ex

Friendly people and _ surroundings encouraged him to write effortlessly.


To make impossible or impracticable by previous action V.

Preclude Syn


Preclude Ant


Preclude Ex

In the 1900s, deciding to become a mother _d women from accepting a job teaching school.


Lacking in imagination and spirit ADJ.

Prosaic Syn

Straightforward, ordinary, trite, dull

Prosaic Ant

Imaginative, original

Prosaic Ex

Sanitation engineer did not seem as _ to him as his title of janitor.


Heedful of all circumstances affecting a situation; watchful ADJ.

Circumspect Syn

Cautious, careful, prudent

Circumspect Ant

Foolhardy, impractical

Circumspect Ex

Handling so much money that belonged to others, of course he was _


Willfully and persistently resistant to authority; rebellious ADJ.

Contumacious Syn

Rebellious, obstreperous

Contumacious Ant

Compliant, obedient

Contumacious Ex

Always _, he tore up the parking ticket in front of the policemen.


To express disapproval of; speak poorly of V.

Deprecate Syn

Disparage, diminish, denigrate

Deprecate Ant

Esteem, favor

Deprecate Ex

Because of his many failures, he would often _ himself.


Deception by means of speaking or seeming to act one way while acting another N.

Duplicity Syn

Double-dealing, hypocrisy, deception, treachery

Duplicity Ant

Fidelity, forthrightness, truthfulness

Duplicity Ex

The spy was well-trained in _; he could fool the best of the enemy


Duplicity, especially when accomplished legally; deceit N.

Chicanery Syn

Trickery, duplicity, fraudulence

Chicanery Ant


Chicanery Ex

Through _, the fox and the cat were able to cheat Pinnochio out of his gold coins.


Without scruples, unprincipled ADJ.

Unconscionable Syn

Unscrupulous, dishonest, unethical

Unconscionable Ant

Moral, ethical

Unconscionable Ex

The hospitable host discovered some silverware missing; he decided his light-fingered guests were _.


Friendliness, good will, benevolence N.

Amicability Syn

Brotherhood, fraternity, companionship

Amicability Ant

Hostility, antagonism

Amicability Ex

People are apt to seek friendship; nations, if so inclined, pursue _.


Persevering and constant in effort or application; assiduous ADJ.

Sedulous Syn

Persevering, industrious, diligent, assiduous

Sedulous Ant

Lazy, idle, slothful

Sedulous Ex

The _ shoemaker worked until nightfall fashioning shoes.


Having imposing physical strength; firm and resolute ADJ.

Stalwart Syn

Steadfast, sturdy, robust

Stalwart Ant


Stalwart Ex

The Scottish Highlanders were _ warriors.


Not letting up, unceasing ADJ.

Unremitting Syn

Constant, incessant, relentless

Unremitting Ant

Slackened, loosed

Unremitting Ex

The _ rain of three days' duration nearly drove her mad.


Avoiding exertion in mind or body; indulging in ease ADJ.

Indolent Syn

Slothful, idle, lazy

Indolent Ant

Energetic, animated

Indolent Ex

The _ boys, not given to exertion, sprawled under the oak tree.


Inducing or tending to induce sleep ADJ.

Soporific Syn

Sleep-inducing, drowsy, somnolent

Soporific Ant

Alert, wide-eyed


Sluggish, inactive, an apathetic ADJ.

Lethargic Syn

Torpid, sluggish, dull

Lethargic Ant

Alert, energetic, responsive

Lethargic Ex

In contrast to his entire family, wide-awake and alert people, he tended to be _.

Soporific Ex

Awakened from a deep sleep, he answered the phone in a _ way.


Without impurity or blemish, absolutely clean ADJ.

Immaculate Syn

Spotless, pure, clean

Immaculate Ant

Besmirched, stained, tainted

Immaculate Ex

He washed and buffed his car until it was _.


Bitter animosity, malice or spitefulness N.

Rancor Syn

Enmity, hatred, malice

Rancor Ant

Good-will, civility

Rancor Ex

His annoyance with his neighbor's barking dogs finally turned into _.


Instill, stamp on the mind V.

Inculcate Syn

Impress, train, coach

Inculcate Ant

Remove, erase

Inculcate Ex

The Puritans sought to _ a code of ethics that excluded most pleasures, including dancing.


To cast away, refuse to acknowledge V.

Repudiate Syn

Reject, renounce

Repudiate Ant

Confirm, concede

Repudiate Ex

His partner's dishonesty caused him to _ their contract.


Breach of faith or trust N.

Perfidy Syn

Duplicity, betrayal, treachery, faithlessness

Perfidy Ant

Fidelity, faithfulness

Perfidy Ex

_ is never so complete as when it has most effitively assumed the mask of sincerity.


Violence or impetuosity of feeling N.

Vehemence Syn

Forcefulness, ardor, enthusiasm

Vehemence Ant

Indifference, unconcern

Vehemence Ex

Her _ as she defended her position impressed both her defenders and detractors.


To chastise, correct, or punish; criticize severely V.

Castigate Syn

Discipline, flog, punish

Castigate Ant

Compliment, laud

Castigate Ex

It is useless to _ an animal if it doesn't understand why it's being punished.


Adhering to what is commonly accepted ADJ.

Orthodox Syn

Customary, traditional

Orthodox Ant

Heretical, differing

Orthodox Ex

She was accepted readily as long as she subscribed to the _ beliefs of the small town.


Unintentional, accidental ADJ.

Inadvertent Syn

Unmindful, accidental

Inadvertent Ant

Purposeful, intentional

Inadvertent Ex

His _ mispronunciation of her name caused a commotion in the classroom.


Of a pleasant disposition, agreeable ADJ.

Congenial Syn

Convivial, complaisant

Congenial Ant

Ill-humored, disagreeable

Congenial Ex

Friendly people and _ surroundings encouraged him to write effortlessly.


To make impossible or impracticable by previous action V.

Preclude Syn


Preclude Ant


Preclude Ex

In the 1900s, deciding to become a mother _d women from accepting a job teaching school.


Lacking in imagination and spirit ADJ.

Prosaic Syn

Straightforward, ordinary, trite, dull

Prosaic Ant

Imaginative, original

Prosaic Ex

Sanitation engineer did not seem as _ to him as his title of janitor.