GP fitting pt 2

Wide palpebral fissure


Narrow palpebral fissure


Large HVID


Small HVID


Steep Ks


Flat Ks


Interpapebral fit

- >2.00 corneal cyl
- wide palpebral fissure
- large HVID
- steep Ks
- tight upper lid
- smaller OAD
- BC fit steeper than K

Lid attachment fit

- narrow palpebral fissure
- small HVID
- flat Ks
- larger OAD
- BC slightly steeper than K

Small OAD


Large OAD


BC for lid attached fit

Slightly flatter than K

BC for interpalpebral fit

slightly steeper than K

Lens lag w/ lid attached fit




Normal palpebral aperture


Lid tension

- lid attached fit: if loose �> use larger OAD
- interpalpebral fit: if tight �> use smaller OAD

Hyperopia lens design

Has a thicker center & larger OAD

Myopia lens design

Has a thinner center & a smaller OAD

Corneal curvature design

- flatter K = larger OAD
- steeper K = smaller OAD


65-80% of lens OAD
Must be 1-2mm larger than pupil size in dim illumination
= BCR in mm

OZD w/ .4/.3 widths


OZD w/ .5/.3 widths


For every 0.1mm radius of curvature change

~ 0.5D change in power

For every 0.05mm radius of curvature change

~0.25D change in power

Dx BC for plano to 0.50DC

0.25 flatter to on-K

Dx BC for 0.75 to 1.50DC

On K to 0.50D steeper

Dx BC for 1.75 to 2.50DC

0.25 to 0.50D steeper

Dx BC for >2.75DC

Consider toric BC

Mean K + 0.1mm =


If OZD smaller than normal

Consider steeper BCR

If OZD greater than normal

Consider flatter BCR

Changing the OAD and keeping the FP the same:

- flatten BC by 0.25D (0.05mm) for every OAD inc of 0.4mm
- steepen BC by 0.25D (0.05mm) for every OAD dec of 0.4mm
- SAMFAP the new power

Each peripheral curve gets progressively ____ as we move toward the periphery


role of peripheral curve

midperipheral alignment

Edge clearance inc if

- PCR flattened
- PCW widened
- move upper lid interaction
- superior decentration

Edge clearance dec

- PCR steepened
- PCW narrows
- little upper lid interaction
- inferior decentration

Lenticulation - what surface is altered

Front surface altered to enhance edge shape and lens mass

Lenticulation in plus lenses

inferior decentration so
- create a minus carrier to make a thicker edge
- easier lid attachment

lenticulation in what lenses creates minus carrier

plus lenses and low minus <4

why would u want to lenticulate high minus?

>=-4D has thick edges causing discomfort, too much lid attachment, and heavy lens may decenter

Lenticulation in minus lenses

- creates plus carrier
- decreases lid attachment
- could have a plano center

If GP CT too thick

Inferior decentration, decrease O2

If GP CT too thin

Flexible, instability, easily warped


Thin as possible

Regarding GPs: the higher the Dk

The lower the modulus

Inc CT by ___mm for Dk > 50 for each diopter of corneal cyl


Meaningful BC change to dec movement and improve centration

At least 0.1mm (0.50D) steeper

Meaningful BC change to inc movement, but may induce decentration

At least 0.1mm (0.50D) flatter

Meaningful OZD change to inc sag

0.3/0.4mm increase

For every OZW dec of 0.4mm,

Steepen BC by 0.05mm (-0.25D)

For every OZW inc of 0.4mm

Flatten BC by 0.05mm (+0.25D)

Lateral decentration may be due to

- ATR astigmatism
- decentered apex
- lid influence

How to alleviate lateral decentration

- steeper BC
- larger OAD/OZD
- soft lenses

How to alleviate superior decentration

- inc CT
- change to thinner lens
- consider bitoric if high corneal cyl
- change to higher mass material
- steepend BC by 0.1mm
- dec OAD (to move away from upper lid)

How to alleviate inferior decentration

- dec CT
- change material to lower mass
- flatten BC by 0.1mm (OAD/OZW constant)
- consider bitoric if >2.50 corneal cyl

If lens fits too steep:

- flatten BC by at least 0.50D
- dec OAD by at least 0.4mm

If lens fits too flat:

- steepen BC by at least 0.50D
- inc OAD by at least 0.4mm