Ch. 10

positive monotonic relationship

there is a positive relationship between the variables, but it is not a strictly positive linear relationship

curvilinear relationship

A relationship in which increases in the values of the first variable are accompanied by both increases and decreases in the values of the second variable.

Increase the Number of Levels of an Independent Variable

what is needed for the following?
Can provide more information about the relationship than a two level design
Necessary to detect curvilinear relationships
Three levels is minimum requirement
Positive monotonic relationships
Helps to compare tw

factorial design

Experimental designs with more than one independent variable (or factor)


what is the simplest factorial design?

main effect

The effect of an independent variable on its own (factorial design)


The effect of one independent variable that depends on the level of another independent variable
Interactions not measurable in simple experimental designs

IV x PV design (Independent Variable by Participant Variable)

Factorial designs with manipulated and non-manipulated variables
Show effects of participant variables (such as age)

simple main effect

analysis examines mean differences at each level of the independent variable.

independent groups (between-subjects) desi

which design is the following?
requires the largest number of participants as a different set of individuals is assigned to each condition.

repeated measures (within-subjects) design

which design is the following?
requires the fewest participants as the same individuals take part in all conditions.

mixed factorial design

which design is the following?
establishes a unique set of individuals for one variable but not the other and then tests these groups repeatedly, requiring a number of participants that lies between those used by the other two approaches.