107.1 Hair Design Theory

Half toward, half away from the face

Half- circle is used to move the hair


Curvature shapes used in hair design include

In one Direction

Rectangle shapes are usually used to move hair

Basic, Detail, Abstract

Hair Design Analysis includes what 3 levels of observation

Wet Design and Thermal Design

Two areas of hair design service




Mass or Fullness

Form and Shape

Position of volume and indentation from all directions, outer shape of the design

1. Form and Shape
2. Texture
3. Direction

Hair Design Analysis has 3 levels of observation

Straight, wavy curly, tightly curled, crimped of combination

6 types of texture


Surface texture that is Rough


Surface texture that is smooth

Thermal Design

Hair Design that is softer, casual and dried by Air forming

Wet Design

Hair Design that is structured, longer lasting and dried under a hood dryer

Hair Designing

Arranging hair to create a temporary change in form, texture and direction of the finished deisgn