Quiz 4 set

Mixed-methods research

involves collecting, analyzing and interpreting both qualitative and quantitative data

Mixed-methods designs are most useful and appropriate...

Quantitative aspects compensate for weaknesses in the qualitative part, Researchers need help forming hypothesis about cause-effect relationships, Unstructured interviews guide the construction of survey questions

Researchers collect both qualitative and quantitative data in parallel, at the same time in this design

Convergent Design

This design collects both qualitative and quantitative data in parallel, like a convergent design, but usually the quantitative method dominates.

Embedded Design

This design is usually comprised of TWO phases

Exploratory Design

In this design, the quantitative phase comes first

Explanatory Design

This design includes THREE OR MORE phases moving back and forth between qualitative and quantitative

Multiphase Iterative Design

When mixed methods design researchers use "QUAN" they are indicating...

Quantitative methods play the major role

Mixed-methods studies MAY NOT involve...

the study of certain hypothesis

This type of sampling allows a researcher to estimate a feature of a larger population

Probability sampling

This type of sampling chooses particular subjects who can provide specific desired perspectives

Purposive sampling

Choosing two samples that are related by biology, marriage or some other connection...

links them in a meaningful way

This validity enables defensive conclusions about cause-effect relationship

Strong Internal Validity

This validity is the extent to which the study can be generalized to a larger population or broader context

External Validity

Doing this allows for a more manageable way to interpret the data

Condensing the data

These are a good way to depict qualitative data

Hierarchical taxonomies

Transforming qualitative data in to quantitative data is often seen in...

content analysis

Systematically comparing and integrating results from the two types of data helps...

determine what the data means

A systematic review includes...

research reports as the objects of study

Conducting and writing about research with utmost honesty and conveying the truth

Academic integrity