BESC 3020 CH. 8

Which of the following items is an example of an item that includes negative wording?

I am often not interested in sleeping.

The tendency for participants to respond the same way to all items in a survey when the direction of ratings is the same for all items in the survey is called:

response set

One way to avoid a response set pitfall is to:

mix up the items in a survey so that ratings are not all on the same end of the scale for a given measure.

When the response rate to a survey is low, the concern is that:

(not: the reliability of the data collected will be high, but the validity of the data collected will be low.)
1. the survey was uninteresting to the participants.
2: any results from the survey will be limited to only those few

The correlational design can be used to demonstrate that changes in one factor are causing changes in a second factor.

(not: True, but only if the correlation coefficient is very large. )
Most Likely: True, the correlational design can demonstrate cause
OTHERS: 1. False, the correlational design does not demonstrate cause.
2: False, but only if the correlation

Participants should not be ________ answering questions or completing a survey.

coerced into

A researcher measures the extent to which time spent watching educational preschool television programming predicts success in school. Which factor is the criterion variable in this example?

Success in school

When using the survey research design, a ____ response rate is preferred to a ____ rate.

(not: fixed; variable)
1: high; low
2: variable; fixed
3: low; high

The closer a set of data points fall to a regression line, the ________ the correlation or relationship between two factors.


When two factors change in the same direction, they have a ________ relationship; when two factors change in opposite directions, they have a ________ relationship.

positive; negative

Survey items that ask participants for one response to two different questions or statements are called:

double-barreled items.

A survey item must be simple, meaning all of the following except:

participants should be slightly confused as to not know what the items are asking.

Which of the following rules used to write valid and reliable survey items is violated in this survey item: "Misogynistic men do not make good boyfriends?

The item used negative wording and the item uses higher than a high school-level vocabulary.

A researcher has participants complete an online survey, which has the benefit of ________, yet also has the drawback of ________.

being cost-effective; being limited to only those who understand technology

Which of the following is an appropriate graphical summary of a correlation between two factors?

Scatter plot

The use of a survey, administered either written or orally, to quantify, describe, or characterize an individual or group is called a:

survey research design.

A researcher asks a participant in an interview to indicate the number of calories she consumes in a day. After she answered the question, the researcher explained, "Wow, you really eat a lot!" After that exclamation, she gave very low estimate for how mu

interviewer bias.

Do not describe a correlation beyond the range of data observed in a sample in order to avoid what limitation for interpreting a correlation?

Restriction of range

A researcher measures the extent to which the speed at which people eat (in minutes) predicts calorie intake (in kilocalories). Which factor is the predictor variable in this example?

The speed at which people eat

The most commonly used formula for computing r is the:

Pearson correlation coefficient.

Open-ended items are most often used with the qualitative research design because:

the responses in the survey are purely descriptive.

Although at least a _____% response rate should be obtained to minimize bias, the typical response rate to surveys in published research is less than _____%.

75; 50

Which of the following items is an example of an item that includes negative wording?

I am often not interested in sleeping.

The correlation coefficient ranges from -1.0 to +1.0, with values closer to ?1.0 indicating:

a stronger relationship between two factors.

The advantage of automated phone interviews is that:

it can save time compared to interpersonal phone interviews and it can reduce the likelihood of an interviewer bias.

Which of is a type of restricted item?

A Likert scale item

A problem that arises when the direction of causality between two factors can be in either direction is called:

reverse causality.

A researcher measures the extent to which the speed at which people eat (in minutes) predicts calorie intake (in kilocalories). Which factor is the predictor variable in this example?

The speed at which people eat

A statistical procedure used to determine the equation of a regression line to a set of data points and to determine the extent to which the regression equation can be used to predict values of one factor, given known values of a second factor in a popula

linear regression.

Which of the following best describes the formula of the Pearson correlation coefficient?

The variance shared by two factors, divided by the total variance measured.

A researcher determines that the people buy more clothes in larger clothing stores. Which of the following is a possible confound variable for this correlation?

Larger clothing stores have more clothing to choose from

Items in a survey must be all of the following except:

valid but not reliable.

The extent to which the values of two factors (X and Y) vary together is called:


Which of the following indicates the strongest correlation?

r = -0.90

A researcher selects two samples. In Sample 1, r = +0.46. In Sample 2, r = -0.55. In which sample is the correlation stronger?

Sample 2

The portion of participants who agree to complete a survey among all individuals who were asked to complete the survey is called:

response rate.

Which of the following rules used to write valid and reliable survey items is violated in this survey item: "Misogynistic men do not make good boyfriends?

The item used negative wording and the item uses higher than a high school-level vocabulary.

The closer a set of data points fall to a regression line, the ________ the correlation or relationship between two factors.
