Scientific Method - List, define, and give examples of each step.

Step 1. Ask a question
Step 2. Form Hypothesis
Step 3. Experiment
Step 4. Observe and record
Step.5 Draw Conclusions
Step. 6 Report findings

Write a testable hypothesis.

Don't say what you believe. Just state something that is able to be tested.

Understand the difference between hypotheses being "right or wrong" vs "supported or

Right/wrong means the hypothesis is incorrect.
Supported/refuted refers to the results from that data to see if the testable hypothesis is correct.

Define/describe the differences between observations and inferences.

Observations - Involve using one or more of the senses to gather information. Observations should not be able to be disputed.
Inferences - When you form an opinion based off observations.

Be able to provide observations and inferences from an image or sample of writing.


Calculate the mean and standard deviation of a dataset.

Standard deviation:
SD= square root of s^2 which equals S.
(Need to take variance equation and root it.)

Understand the significance of standard error and standard deviation when interpreting

With standard errors we compare the means of populations using samples.
When we know our sample, it usually doesn't include the entire population. This is why we need these statistics to determine if our findings are significant.

Create or interpret a bar graph with error bars.


Define/describe tolerance values, macroinvertebrates, and biomonitoring.

Tolerance values: Values assigned to aquatic macro-invertebrates based on their ability to tolerate poor water conditions.
Macroinvertebrates: These are organisms that are visible without a microscope and do not have a backbone.
EX: Snails, aquatic worms,

Describe the habitat types and basic methods for collecting macroinvertebrate samples
for biomonitoring assessments

Habitat types:
Riffles - They are characterized by areas where rocks and boulders break the water's surface causing white water or 'riffles'. (Collect 2 min above and 2 min below riffle)
Undercut Banks - Wherever strong current flows against an river bank

Interpret macroinvertebrate samples and biotic indices to estimate water pollution and


Interpret the meaning of correlations and R2 values on graphs (no calculation involved).

Correlation: Tells whether a relationship exists between two different variables as well as the direction of the relationship.
R^2: Tells the strength of the relationship

Describe the difference between correlation versus causation.

Causation: When action A Causes the outcome Action B.
Correlation: Is simply a relationship between Action A and Action B

Discuss the characteristics that make a primary source, like a scientific article, reputable.

When looking at primary sources, The info needs to have an adequate location from where it's completed. It needs to be accurately evaluated, effectively used, and communicated accordingly.

What is plagiarism? What is paraphrasing?

Plagiarism: When someone uses another persons work or ideas as their own.
Paraphrasing: Expresses the meaning of another's work using different words.

What are the characteristics of an effective debate argument?


Define/describe epidemiology.

Epidemiology: The study of how often diseases occur in different groups and why.

What are the ways foods can become contaminated?

They can contaminated during the production or growing process of the food, The post-production, and the handling meal prep.

Calculate and interpret odds ratios.

Use the box method we used in class

Define extrapolation and give an example.

The action of estimating or concluding something by assuming that existing trends will continue or a current method will remain applicable.
EX: Assuming CO2 emissions from the graph.

Understand surface area to volume ratio, and be able to identify higher or lower SA:V
given a picture of an organism or object.

SA:V = Quantitive comparison of surface area and volume.
*Increases in SA are squared
*Increases in volume are cubed.

How does SA:V influence insects regulate their body temperature?

SA:V of an organism decreases as the organism gets larger.
If SA:V is high, insects will heat up faster.
If SA:V is low, insects will heat up slower.

Calculate the percentage of calories from carbs, fats, and proteins in a given food item from a nutritional facts label.

Take the total calories for fat, divide by the total calories in the entire serving, and then multiply by 100 to get the final percent.

Calculate energetic potential and understand its significance.

Q/Delta m

List reasons why insects may be a sustainable food source for humans.

Lower in fat, higher in protein, and have a better feed to meat ratio than beef and chicken.
Raising insects is considered environmentally friendly and its easier as well.

What is pollination, and why is it important?

Pollination is the physical transfer of pollen grains from one flower to another. (Fertilization of a flower by animal or wind.

What is a pollinator?

An agent that moves pollen from one flower to another

Define angiosperms and what separates them from other types of plants.

Angiosperms are flowering plants; seeds protected by "Fruits." This is what separates them.

Explain the function of the reproductive parts in a flower.


Define convergent evolution and give examples.

Organisms that are not closely-related to each other evolve similar traits because they occupy similar niches.
EX: the fins of sharks and dolphins are the same but they come from different areas.

Define co-evolution and give examples.

Evolution of interacting species in response to changes in each other. This happens when species interact with others to form a symbiotic relationship.
Parasitism: (+/-)
Commensalism (+/0)
Mutualistic species (+/+)

List pollinator and flower adaptations that facilitate pollination.

Pollinator adaptations:
- Rough-textured exoskeleton
- hair
- pollen baskets
- wide legs
- Behaviors
Flower adaptations:
- Nectar
- Deep Nectar Tubes
- Color
- Scent
- Nectar Guides
- Landing Strips
- Timing of Bloom

Explain which abiotic and biotic factors are limiting for each ecosystem we went through (Tropical Rainforest and Desert).

heat, light, abiotic: water, soil, light, air. Biotic : plants, animals, bacteria

What are plant adaptations to survive in tropical rainforest biomes? Explain how they help the plant survive.

drip tip, sweet or sour nectar smell to attract insects, woody vines, stilt roots

What are plant adaptations to survive in desert biomes? Explain how they help the plant survive.

spines or thorns, waxy coating restore water by stems or thick leaves

What is a post-mortem interval?

the period of time between death and discovery

Define and explain forensic succession?

physiological or biological process that happens in predicable order

Identify an instar of a maggot by looking at its posterior spiracles.

1st instar: heart shaped spiracle
2nd instar: 2 spiracle slits
3rd instar: 3 spiracle slits

Use insect development tables to estimate a post-mortem interval.
