Exam #2 Marketing Research - UIOWA


A formalized set of questions for obtaining information from respondents to generate the data necessary to accomplish the objectives of the research process

Questionnaire Objectives

1. Provide the necessary information to aid the decision- making
2. Translate needed information into a set of specific questions that respondents can and will answer
3. Should 'speak' to the respondent
4. Should facilitate data processing. Should be easy

Questionnaire Design Process

1. Planning what to measure
2. Formatting the questionnaire
3. Question wording
4. Sequencing and layout decisions
5. Protesting and correcting problems

Planning what to measure - Step 1 DP

Step 1 in Design process. What are your research objectives? What information is needed to address the research objectives?

What information is needed about Buying process? (Step 1 in design process)

Brand awareness & knowledge, attribute importance, brand preference, choice behavior (past, intention)

What information is needed for segmentation variables? (Step 1 in design process)

Consumer lifestyle & demographics

Formatting the Questionnaire - Step 2 DP

1. Determine the content of each question
2. Determine the form of each question
3. Response order Bias

Determine the content of each question - Step 2 DP

1. How many questions - capture the needed data using as few questions as possible
2. A single piece of information from one question
3. Question should be answerable - ability to answer and willingness to answer

Determine the form of each question - Step 2 DP

open ended questions - versatility, difficult to code, analyze, interpret the answers, good for explanatory research, gives rich array of information (probing is possible)
close ended questions - easy to answer, code, analyze, and interpret, not good for

How to get rid of response order bias?

split- ballot techniques which are response options are reordered or randomized to create different versions of the survey

Question Wording - Step 3 DP

avoid complexity- use simple words, avoid ambiguity, avoid double-barreled questions, avoid leading/loading questions, avoid burdensome questions

Burdensome questions

questions that depend too much on an excellent memory
ex: do you recall any commercials during Super Bowl 2017?
should be - "do you recall a Budweiser commercial during Super Bowl 2017?

Double barred questions

do you think Coca Cola is a tasty and a refreshing soft drink?" - need to split this question into two questions

Leading questions

clearly provide clues to the answer

loaded questions

emotionally charged or suggest socially desirable answers

Sequencing and Layout Decisions - Step 4 DP

Use funnel approach, question order bias

What is funnel approach?

1. start broad and progressively narrow down the scope
2. establish rapport - easy to answer general questions first
3. Tough and important questions in the middle
4. sensitive/demographic questions at the end

Pretesting and correcting problems - Step 4 DP

pretest is the most inexpensive insurance you can buy to ensure the success of your questionnaire and research project. 2 pretests are recommended:
1. pilot run on a small samples ( 25 is "rule of thumb")
2. personal interview pretest

What is sampling

The process of obtaining information from a subset ( a sample ) of a larger group ( the universe or population )

What is an inference?

an inference about the population are based upon observations of a selected portion of the population

Reasons for sampling

1. less costly than census
2. less time consuming than census
3. May be more accurate than census if population is difficult to reach
4. Sampling can produce very accurate estimates about population

What is the sampling process?

1. Determine the sampling frame
2. Determine the sampling procedure
3. Determine sample size (Ch. 15)

Determine the sample frame

a list of all or random selection of population member used to obtain a sample
commonly used sample frames include:
customer database
telephone directories
list developed by data compliers

Determine the sampling procedure

non probability samples/ probability samples

Non-probability sample

1. a sample that relies on personal judgement in process of selecting population
2. impossible to assess the degree of sampling error
3. cannot evaluate how much it resembles the population
4. techniques include convenience samples, judgement samples, sno

Probability samples

1. A sample in which each population member has a known, nonzero chance of being included in the sample
2. The amount of sampling error can be estimated and the sample statistics be used to infer about the population
3. Techniques include simple random, s

Simple Random Sample

1. Each population member has a known and equal probability of selection
2. May over/under represent small subgroups - depends on the amount of variation in each group

stratified random sample

1. Divide population into homogeneous groups. Then, randomly sample from each group.
2. Subgroups are homogenous within but heterogenous between with respect to key variables
3. will not miss important subgroups
4. estimates will be more accurate than ran

Systematic Sampling

Select every k-th element on a list
accuracy compared to random sample
1. web sampling frame us arranged in a random order
2. when sampling frame is arranged in a monotonic order
3. when sampling frame is arranged in a cyclical order

Cluster Sampling

Two step process:
1. Draw a random sample of clusters
2. Do a census within each
cost effective compared to simple random sampling

Determine the sample size

sample size is a financial issue, statistical issue, and it is a managerial issue

Sampling error

1. Error due to the act of sampling
2. If the researcher uses probability sampling, the magnitude of this error is known

Statistical theory of sample size

1. use statistical theory to guarantee a desired level of accuracy
2. Sample size is the number of respondents required to produce a certain level of accuracy
3. Optimal sample size calculations ONLY make sense when probability sampling is undertaken


population mean and standard deviation u and o


sample mean and standard deviation X and s

sampling distribution

1. frequency distribution (histogram) of sample elements
2. is generally not so smooth but look like the population distribution

interval estimation for population mean (confidence interval)

because the sample mean X varies from sample to sample, we want to construct interval estimate around the sample mean that includes population mean.

Formula for sample confidence interval

���� ?�?�����?������/?������
X + sampling error (E)

What is data coding?

The process of transforming raw data into numbers that can be utilized for analysis

Strategy for Data Analysis

1. Tabulation
2. Cross- Tabulation


Counting the number of cases that fall into the various categories
1. determine frequency distribution
2. Calculate descriptive statistics


Access if any association is present between two nominal variables. Try to see whether one variable (independent variable or predictor variable) has an influence on another variable (the dependent variable or outcome variable). Hypothesis testing helps us

Null Hypothesis Ho

1. the hypothesis of status quo, no difference, no effect
2. The hypothesis that a proposed result is not true for the population
3. we attempt to reject the null hypothesis in favor of alternative hypothesis

Alternative hypothesis Ha

1. The hypothesis that a proposed result is true for the population
2. Never has equal sign
3. Direction of tests

Example for hypothesis test

The manager asks... "Are you sure that we have unequal number of males and females in our customer base?'
Ho: The number of females is equal to that of males
Ha: The number of females is different from that of males

Type 1 error

rejection of null hypothesis when, in fact, it is true

Type 2 error

Failure to reject the null hypothesis when, in fact, it is false

Rejection region

1. Reject Ho if test statistic falls into rejection region and then that means Ha is TRUE.
2. Fail to reject Ho if test statistic DOES NOT fall into rejection region and that means Ha is FALSE

Testing frequency distributions

one group - chi square of goodness of fit
two groups - chi square tests of statistical independence = observed - expected ^ 2 / expected
X^2 used for frequency distributions

Hypothesis test of the mean

1. Z distribution if population standard deviation is known
2. T distribution if population standard deviation is NOT known

Proportion testing

1. Z distribution if population standard deviation is known
2. T distribution is population standard deviation is NOT known

Comparing multiple sample means

Two or more = F tests

ANOVA tests used for

1. when there are only two groups :
unrelated (independent) - t test
related (dependent) - t test
are used to determine if the mean score on the dependent variable for one group is significantly different from that of the second group
2. if there are more

When can t tests, z tests, and anova tests be used?

When dependent variable is continuous

What is chi squared test appropriate for?

When dependent variables are categorical

Likertz scale

Considered continuous variable and anova is used to analyze differences in means across groups

Correlation (R)

correlation coefficient captures both direction and strength of the linear relationship. -1<r<1

Underlying assumption of Correlation

the variables are continuous variables measured by the interval scales

properties of correlation

1. independent of sample size and unit of measurement
2. -1<r<1
3. r<0 = x and y are negatively correlated
4. r > 0 = x and y are positively correlated
5. r=0 = x and y are uncorrelated
6. as r is closer to either -1 or 1 = stronger correlation

Regression Analysis

a statistical technique to relate the dependent variable to one or more independent variables

dependent variable - response variable

(Y) = the variable of interest

independent variables - predictor variables

(X's) - the variables influencing Y

Simple regression

there is only one independent variable

Multiple regression

there are multiple independent variables