APUSH ch3 (not done)

__________ became King of England in 1603. He was anxious to make peace with Spain and quickly put an end to the royal support for _________ ________ Queen Elizabeth I had provided, which meant
finding other ways to make contact

James I; legalized piracy

James I realized the only way to beat Spain was to ______ north America; within 30 yrs, ______ had settled or claimed large territories, and their claims continued to expand into the 1700s

explore; England

In 1606, James I gave a formal charter to the _______ _________(joint stock company)
(investors pooled resources, shared risk)

Virginia Company

In 1607, 105 men from the Virginia Company under the command of ________ _______ arrived in North America. They named their new community _______ in honor of King James

Christopher Newport; Jamestown

at first, jamestown didnt go so well. what happened?

Unhealthy conditions, a drought in 1607-08, and disagreements between members of the elected council were all problems, no women to procreate
By 1608, only 38 of 105 were still alive

By the time of the founding of Jamestown, generations of Atlantic Coast Indians had substantial experience with Europeans. They had ______ with them, made _____ with them, and some had even _____ to Europe themselves
The Indians' opinion of Europeans was

traded; war; been; not favorable

Relations between Jamestown and the local 13,00-15,000 strong local tribes were _____


The settlers of Jamestown learned that some thirty of the nearby tribes were under the rule of _____, whom the English described as something of a tribal emperor.


_____ ____ was an experienced English soldier who would eventually become Governor of Jamestown (very well respected etc)
He was exploring the countryside when he was taken prisoner by the ______ and brought before Powhatan to be executed

john Smith; Algonquians

saved John Smith from being executed by her father


powhatan granted Smith a ______ (most historians now believe Powhatan staged the whole event) and told Smith "Now they were friends"
why did he do this?

reprieve; Powhatan saw a benefit to trading with the English, so he fed them in the early days of the colony. Powhatan meant to use the English to strengthen his position against other tribes, and the English avoided war and starvation

what do we know about early English encounters with Natives?

they were mutually beneficial (because the english were so weak- they were in a brand new place and didn't know anything)
- native americans get protection from english from other european powers and other tribes/ got to trade with them

Jamestown was nearly abandoned for good in 1610, but what saved it

tobacco (first cash crop) discovered by columbus

Within a few decades, smoking tobacco had become a popular symbol of ______ in Europe
______, its settlers discovered, had the ideal climate and conditions for producing tobacco

sophistication; Virginia

Eventually the natives grew tired of English encroachment, and what happened?

- Powhatan's brother led an Algonquian attack that killed 300 of the 1200 settlers
-The conflict eventually bankrupted the Virginia Company
- King James took over
- The shift from trade with Indians to tobacco-based agriculture sealed the fate of the Indi

- Tobacco also changed the lives of thousands of ______ who were brought to the Americas as slaves to produce the crop
