Monroe Presidency

James Monroe

5th president, begins expansionism including Florida and Missouri, as well as reigning over the Era of Good Feelings

Era of Good Feelings

A name for President Monroe's two terms, a period of strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion. Since the Federalist party dissolved after the War of 1812, there was only one political party and no partisan conflicts.

Rush-Bagot Agreement

an agreement that limited navel power on the Great lakes for both the United States and British Canada.

Convention of 1818

Set the border between the U.S. and Canada at the 49th parallel (or latitude). Also affirmed U.S. rights to fisheries along Newfoundland and Labrador.

Adams-Onis Treaty

Agreement in which Spain gave up all of Florida to the United States

Simon Bolivar

The Liberator", led many independence movements, in Latin America.

Monroe Doctrine

President James Monroe's statement forbidding further colonization in the Americas and declaring that any attempt by a foreign country to colonize would be considered an act of hostility. Played a major role in U.S.-Latin American relations.

Henry Clay

Kentucky respresentative responsible for the Missouri Compromise between free and slave states. The " Great Compromiser

Missouri Compromise

Allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state, Maine to enter the union as a free state, prohibited slavery north of latitude 36 degrees - Missouri's southern border.

American System

it advocated a strong banking system, protective tariffs and internal improvements