Goal 10 Study Guide

Briefly describe the actions of the following countries in the 1930s:
a. Soviet Union
b. Italy
c. Germany
d. Japan

a. cooperation with the west, world disarmament conference, trade began with US, Munich agreement, border clashes with Japan
b. allied with Germany
c. secretly built an army, government reform party rising
d. expansion, militarists in government, invaded

How did the end of WWI lead to the rise of totalitarian governments in the 1930s?

Germany in a war state, Hitler became a political leader providing "all the answers the people wanted

Why was the League of Nations unable to stop the totalitarian aggression?

league of nations weak and had no real power to enforce its decrees such as disarmament

What was the initial American reaction to the war?

neutrality in thoughts as well as in actions

How did American respond to Japan's invasion of China?

the us responded by halting oil and scrap metal that it was supplying to Japan, which in turn angered Japan and was a reason for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Define blitzkrieg.

Type of war used by Hitler. Means "Lightning War" and its when troops come invade a country very fast.

Who were the Axis Powers? The Allied Powers?

The axis powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan. The allied powers were Great Britain, France, Soviet Union, United States, and China.

Identify: Winston Churchill, Battle of Britain

during the Battle of Britain, people in Britain knew they were fighting for survival, Winston carried that one step further by convincing them to that they not only fighting for survival, but for survival of the free world.

What were the cash-and-carry and lend-lease programs?

Cash and carry is the policy adopted by the United States in 1939 to preserve neutrality while aiding the Allies. Britain and France could buy goods from the United States if they paid in full and transported them. Lend-lease was a program in which the Un

Why did isolationists argue against the war? Who were leading isolationists?

Isolationists thought that America shouldn't take part in wars or European alliances. They were so against war because they thought that America could achieve freedom by other ways than war.

What led the US to join the war?

The attack on pearl Harbor.

What were the provisions of the Atlantic Charter?

it was outlining a vision in which the world would abandon their traditional beliefs in military alliances and govern the relationships with each other through a democratic process and an internal organization as an arbiter

Read FDR's Four Freedoms Speech in your text or on the Internet. Identify the four freedoms. What was FDR's purpose in this speech? How do you think most Americans would react to this speech at the time? Explain.

The speech listed the 4 freedoms that American's should have which were freedom of speech, worship, freedom from fear, and freedom from want. It gave America hope in the war, they were fighting for their freedom. I think most Americans loved the speech, t

Why did Japanese leaders choose to attack Pearl Harbor? Were they successful?

They choose to attack Pearl Harbor because they wanted to surprise the Americans and disable the American fleet for a few months, they were not successful because the US found out about this and were ready and prepared

Describe the steps taken by the US as they mobilized for war. Include: WAC, WPB, OWM, and any other efforts taken by groups or individuals.

The WAC was the Women's Army Corps and they were the official female branch of the army after WAAC (Women's Army Auxiliary Corps), the WPB was the War Production Board and they organized and oversaw the production of planes and war materials. The US was g

Create a timeline of major battles in the Pacific and in Europe. You will want to do these separately. Make sure you note military turning points. When you complete your timeline, please explain the significance of the turning points. (5 major turning poi

� European Theater
- September 1, 1939: Germany invades Poland.
Significance: It ended with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing Poland.
- December 11, 1941: Germany declares war on the United States.
Significance: A big starting point of th

Why did the Allies decide to concentrate on Europe first?

did not want to work on two fronts at once. Wanted to end Germany's advance and put all focus on Japan.

Identify Dwight D. Eisenhower. What role did he play in the war? How was his contribution significant to the war effort?

- He was the U.S. general who led the attack in North Africa in November of 1942. He ran for the Republican ticket in the 1952 and the 1956 elections and won. The public very well liked him.
- He was the master organizer of the D-Day invasion in Europe (J

What was the primary goal of the Normandy (D-Day) Invasion?

To gain a foothold in Western Europe and open up a third front in the European Theater, putting further strain on the Axis forces.

What was the results and impact of the island-hopping strategy in the Pacific?

The purpose of "Island Hopping" was to bypass and cut off certain heavily defended areas that did not serve an absolutely vital purpose in the Allied advance to Japan. By cutting off certain Japanese strong points, the Allies were able to, in most cases,

Assess the value of the role of women in the war effort. Be specific in your explanation.

World War II brought not only sacrifices, but also new jobs, new skills, and new opportunities. Women were needed to fill many traditionally male jobs and roles during the war and various advertisements were used to encourage women to take on these jobs a

What was Executive Order 8802? What was the importance of that action?

Act passed in 1941 by FDR, prohibited discriminatory employment practices by fed agencies and all unions and companies engaged in war related work. It established the Fair Employment Practices Commission to enforce the new policy.

What were the bracero programs and the Zoot Suit riots?

Bracero Programs: Wartime agreement between the United States and Mexico to import farm workers to meet a perceived manpower shortage; the agreement was in effect from 1941 to 1947. Zoot Suit Riots: a series of riots that erupted in Los Angeles, Californi

Describe restrictions on civil liberties during the war. Example: immigrants, Japanese-Americans.

Executive Order No. 9066: ordered those of Japanese-American descent to be removed to "Relocation Camps." This law eventually forced close to 120,000 Japanese-Americans in the western part of the United States to leave their homes and move to one of ten '

What was the decision in the Korematsu case?

The Supreme Court ruled against Korematsu and in favor of upholding the exclusion order of the military.

Determine the significance of the advancements in technology and science. Include: radar, calculating machines, jet engines, penicillin

Penicillin was a new drug created to help wounds heal. Radar Calculating Machines helped detect the enemy so they could be ready. Jet Engines were created before war but there purpose was to help jet planes.

What was the Manhattan Project? Why was their work so urgent? Why were two atomic bombs dropped on Japan?

This was a code name for the atomic bomb preparation against Japan. "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima and "Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki. The bombs being dropped were in response to Japan refusing to end war.

How did President Truman determine to drop the atomic bomb?

Truman was tired of American deaths and warned Japan of the bombings.

How did the Holocaust develop? What were the results in the terms of loss of human lives?

it developed from Hitler's hatred of Jews and non-Aryan race. And his need for complete control over the world. 6 million Jews were killed and 1 Million others

What role did the War Refugee Board play?

The board helped those who were in danger or threatened by Nazis

List the agreements made at the Yalta Conference. What leaders were there?

. Leaders: FDR, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin
� Declaration of liberated Europe
� Germany was split into four occupied zones
� France got the fourth occupation zone in Germany and Austria
� Germany would undergo demilitarization and de-nazification
� C

Why can we say that the Cold War found its beginning at the Yalta Conference?

Yalta conference was conducted between the Allies of World War II to decide upon the splitting process of Europe. It had to decide the future borders of Europe. However, US and the Soviet Union could not fully agree with the proceedings and results, which

How did the world map change after WWII?

France regained the territories of Alsace and Lorraine. Germany lost a great deal of land in the east. Poland, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary were created. Serbia and Montenegro disappeared and were merged with various territ

Who emerged as superpowers?

The Soviet Union (USSR) and the US.

What was the purpose of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) developed in 1948?

Expand international trade by mutual reduction of tariffs

Why was the United Nations formed? Who joined? What nations formed the Security Council?

In response to world war two, to provide a global forum for all nations to come together and solve/discuss global issues

Describe the Nuremburg Trials.

Trials of Nazi leaders conducted after World War II.

What "new identity" does the United States assume at the end of WWII?

world power.

What were the immediate results of WWII? What were the long-term effects of WWII?

short term:
widespread destruction of Europe requiring reconstruction
Europe split between east and west. east communists and western democracies.
Widespread destruction of Europe that required rebuilding
To help in rebuilding, the United States enacted t