Chapter 9 US History


an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.


Invented vulcanized rubber -> doesn't get bad in weather and durable

Howe and Singer

invented the sewing machine -> make products faster

Samuel Morse

invented the telegraph -> carry messages in code across copper wire


Steamboats -> make transportation cheaper


first canal


replaced canals bc it was faster

Communication improvements

Telegraph- uses morse code

Transportation improvements

steamboats and railroads faster and cheaper way of transportation

southern agriculture

looked down on industrialization. Communication and transportation severely lagged

Cash crops

tobacco, cotton, rice

Northeast shipping and manufacturing

center of american commerce. NYC linked american agriculture and european markets

Midwest farming

fertile soil but not easy to farm

John Deere

steel plow

Cyrus McCormick

mechanical reaper

Manifest destiny

follow what god tells you

Why did people expand west?

They thought that was what god was telling them to do

Reasons for Manifest Destiny

economic issues - panic of 1837
abundance of "uninhabited" land

Black Hawk War

Us pressures natives to move west of the Mississippi river.

Chief Black hawk (Sauk)

organized rebellions that ranged from Illinois to Wisconsin territory- american gov ends rebellion and tribes move west

Treaty of Fort Laramie

Btwn US and Cheyanne, Arapaho, Sioux, Crow
Gave natives control of the great plains
allowed US to continue building roads and forts

Goal of the treaty of fort laramie

To maintain good faith and friendship in all their mutual intercourse and to make an effective and lasting peace

Sante Fe Trail

Independence, Missouri to Sante Fe, New Mexico;
Traveled in groups for protection
traded AU AG FUR

Oregon Trail

Goal: convert and educate native americans
independence MO to Portland OR
most walked trail
Dangerous trail


used oregon trail

Joseph Smith

established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Territorial disputes

US and England argued over oregon territory

James K. Polk

runs for president 1844
platform: annexation of oregon territory
extended 49 latitude as border

American Colonization in the southwest

owned by mexico
began in 1820

Moses Austin

given a land grant by the spanish gov

Mexican Independence

tension btw Texans and Native Americans grew

catholic mission

aimed at conversion
built presidios near missions for protection


Tejanos goods supplied settlers in Santa Fe
as trade restrictions were loosened Indian attacks increased


mexicans in TX


americans in TX

american settlement

way to strengthen border control and decrease indian attacks

Stephen Austin

given the empresario status
1200+ families moved to texas
cheap land for americans if they practiced catholicism and did not bring slaves

Texas attracts more americans

US wants to buy texas all offers rejected
Americans want to expand border to Rio Grande

Tensions btw American and Mexicans grew

slavery (abolished by MX gov in 1824)

Austin appeals to Santa Anna

self government -> rejection
arrested and imprisoned for two years

Austin returns to Texas

encourages revolution against Santa Anna *catalyst for the Texas Revolution

The Alamo

187 texans take a stand at an old mission, San Antonio de Valero
Battle lasts 10 days
all men died


texans POW taken to Fort Defiance after the Battle of Agua Dulce

Sam Houston

led texan army and defeated Santa Anna and his army in under 20 min

Treaty of Velasco

Texans captured Santa Anna and forced him to sign it recognizing the Republic of Texas. Set Santa anna free

President of the Republic of Texas

Sam Houston, asks US to annex it -> refuses bc of slavery and war with Mexico. TX asks England and France but US agrees

Polk urges war

US and MX war is unavoidable issue: TX border
Rio Grande US
Nueces River MX

Polk offers MX

offers $40 million for california, NM, and recognition of Rio Grande as border. Slidell ignores so Polk sends Gen. Taylor to Rio grande and asks for declaration of War


sees as a move to extended slavery


opportunity to extend slavery and expand power in congress

wilt Proviso

proposed amendment that would prohibit slavery in lands that might be gained from Mexico

Abraham Lincoln

questioned truthfulness of Polk's statement
Congress votes for war w Mexico
First US war on foreign territory

Action in California

plan: seize New Mexico and California
Skirmish in New Mexico set up by the governor

Colonel Stephen Kearney

marched from Ft. Leavenworth, KS to Santa Fe, NM
moves onto California

what was gained by the Action in California

New Mexico - without a single shot being fired
Mexicans = afraid! ran off!

Republic of California

American settlers in California declared their independence
organized under Fremont
Fremont joined by Kearny for an easy victory against Mexico

What was on the flag that was raised in California?

a grizzly bear

Santa Anna asks who for help?


What does Santa Anna offer in return for Polk's help?

will help US win war
will establish the Rio Grande as the Texan-Mexican border
will help secure the San Francisco Bay

What did Santa Anna ask from Polk?

get him safely back to Mexico
$30 million

what did Santa Anna do after he returned to Mexico?

took the presidency
organized an army against Taylor
attacked Taylor at Buena Vista

Who won at Buena Vista?

war hero?

Who replaces Taylor? why?

General Winfield Scott

Why was Taylor replaced?

Polk feared Taylor's popularity would hurt him
Taylor was "too soft

Taylor might

become a war hero and a potential political rival

Who did Scott attack first?

Mexico at Veracruz

the battle at Veracruz

first amphibious assault
forced Santa Anna to retreat to Mexico City

Santa Anna surrenders after...

Mexico City was attacked

Treaty of Guadalupe - Hidalgo

ratified by senate
US paid $15 million for Mexican cessions
US forgave all Mexican debts in Texas

after the treaty of Guadalupe - Hidalgo...

Mexico gave up New Mexico and California Territories
recognized the Rio Grande as the US - Mexico border

Election of 1848

D-Lewis Cass
F-S-- Martin Van Buren
W-Zachary Taylor (whig)
Free Soiler Party

D-Lewis Cass

shaky in issue of extension of slavery

F-S-- Martin Van Buren

supported by Democrats that were anti-slavery

W-Zachery Taylor (whig)

Remained vague on the issues

Free Soiler Party

maintain slavery where it is but do not let it expand to new territories

Who won the election of 1848

W-Zachary Taylor (Whig)

California Gold rush

gold is discovered at Sutter's mill
people went to Sacramento valley to an for gold

Gold rush impact

San Francisco becomes a major city
populated by adventure-seekers

why did San Francisco become a major city?

good harbors allowed for trade

after the gold rush,

California applied for statehood
gained in 1850