Chapter 18 An Emerging World Power


the policy by which strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories

extractive economy

economy in a colony where the colonizing country removed raw materials and shipped them back home to benefit its own economy

Alfred T. Mahan

a military historian and an officer in the United States Navy, played a key role in transforming America into a naval power

Social Darwinism

the belief held by some in the late nineteenth century that certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore destined to rule over them

Frederick J. Turner

historian that noted that the frontier had been closed by gradual settlement in the nineteenth century

Matthew Perry

Commodore sailed a fleet of American warships into present- day Tokyo Bay, Japan.

Queen Liliuokalani

Hawaiian nationalist, resented the increasing power of the white planters. Abolished the constitution that had given power to the white minority

Jos� Marti

Cuban patriot that launched a war for independence from Spain "Cuba Libre

William Randolph Hearst

Newspaper publisher heightened that public's dislike of the Spanish government

Yellow Press

Publications that featured a popular comic strip character called the Yellow Kid. Their stories exaggerated Spanish atrocities and compared Cuban rebels to the patriots of the American Revolution


Aggressive nationalism

George Dewey

Commodore that steamed his squadron vessels into Manila Bay, in the Spanish held Philippines

Emilio Aguinaldo

Filipino nationalist that defeated the Spanish Army

Rough Riders

Calvary unit led by Theodore Roosevelt consisted of rugged westerners and uppercase easterners who relished what Roosevelt called the "strenuous life

Treaty of Paris

Treaty signed by the Spanish and the united States in December 1898 officially ended the Spanish American War



Guerrilla warfare

A form of non traditional warfare generally involving small bands of fighters ambushing

William Howard Taft

Future president of the Us became governor of the Philippines. Had a large ambition for helping thru islands recover from the rebellion

Spheres of influence

A region dominated and controlled by an outside power

John Hay

US Secretary of State issued the first of a series of notes to foreign diplomats in 1899. Noted that the US expected equal trade with China. Also asserted the Open Door Policy

Boxer Rebellion

Violence started by members of a secret society in China, which prompted the governments of Europe and America to send troops to squash the rebellion

Open Door Policy

Hay stated that the United States didn't want to colonize China, but only trade with them

Russo-Japanese War

A war between Japan and Russia in 1904 over the presence of Russian troops in Manchuria

Gentlemen's Agreement

Pact between the US and Japan to end segregation of Asian children in San Francisco public schools, in return Japan agreed to limit the immigration of its citizens to the US

Great White Fleet

Battleships sent by Roosevelt in 1907 on a "good will cruise" around the world

Forsake Act

Established a civil government in Puerto Rico, authorize the President of the US to appoint a governor and part of the Puerto Rican legislature

Platt Amendment

Set of conditions under which Cuba was granted independence in 1902, including restrictions on rights of Cubans and granting to the US the "right to intervene" to preserve order in Cuba

big stick" diplomacy

Theodore Roosevelt's policy of creating and using, when necessary, a strong military to achieve America's goals

Panama Canal

Human made waterway liking the Atlantic to the Pacific across the Isthmus of Panama

Roosevelt Corollary

President Theodore Roosevelt's reassertion of the Monroe Doctrine to keep the Western Hemisphere free from intervention by European powers

dollar diplomacy

President Taft's policy of expanding American investments abroad

moral diplomacy

Woodrow Wilson's statement that the US would not use force to assert influence in the world ], but would instead work to promote human rights

Francisco "Pancho" Villa

Led rebels and raided Columbus, New Mexico killing 18 Americans. Wilson sent troops to find him, but he was never found. Eventually killed by unknown assassins.

Alfred T. Mahan

Military historian who emphasized the need for a strong navy


Policy by which strong nations extend control over weaker territories

Matthew Perry

Naval commodore who sailed into Tokyo Bay, Japan in 1853

Queen Liliuokalani

Last monarch of Hawaii

Frederick J. Turner

Historian who said that the frontier had been an outlet for ambitious American

Extractive economy

Economy in which an imperial country removed raw materials from its colonies

An extractive economy

An economy that is based on mining or producing raw materials to be used in foreign industries is called

Customers who buy U.S. products

The United States wanted overseas territories because the territories had


What relationship with Hawaii did congress approve in 1898

Social Darwinism

The theory that life consists of competitive struggles in which only the strong survive is called

Yellow Press

A term used for newspapers in New York City in the 1890s that urged war with Spain

Rough Riders

The name given by the press to Theodore Roosevelt's cavalry regiment during the Spanish American War

Jos� Marti

Cuban patriot who rebelled against Spanish rule


An aggressive form of nationalism

George Dewey

A naval Commodore who defeated the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay during the Spanish American War

William Randolph Hearst

Newspaper publisher of the New York Journal

Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines

The 1898 Treaty of Paris dealt with which territory or territories

Could not annex Cuba

The Teller Amendment stated that the US

Filipino freedom fighter

Emilio Aguinaldo was a

William Jennings Bryan

Which presidential candidate ran on an anti-imperialist platform

The Boxer Rebellion was a revolt by the Chinese people against their emperor


A weaker or smaller country is said to be in a more powerful country's sphere of influence when it grants the larger country trade privileges and other benefits


Guerrilla warfare involves irregular tactics such as surprise raids and hit and run attacks


U.S. Secretary of State John Hay was responsible for explaining to the European countries which part of China that the U.S. wanted to control

False, he explained that the U.S did not want to colonize China, but only trade with them

The Great White Fleet was a group of battleships designed to demonstrate to the world U.S. naval power


When Filipinos organized an insurrection against U.S. rules, the United States found itself quickly defeated by the rebel soldiers


Censored the press

What did Governor Taft do to help restore order in the Philippines

The Jones Act

What liberated the Philippines from Japanese occupation

Open Door

What policy was designed to provide trade in China

Theodore Roosevelt

Who won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping to negotiate an end to the Russo-Japanese War

The (blank) prevented Cuba from signing a treaty with any other country without the approval of the United States

Platt Amendment

General John J. Pershing chased the Mexican rebel leader (blank)

Francisco "Pancho" Villa

President Taft's (blank) meant supporting American investments in foreign countries

dollar diplomacy

The (blank) determined the form of government in Puerto Rico

Foraker Act

The (blank) asserted that the United States should act as Latin America's police power, intervening to restore order when necessary

Roosevelt Corollary

Roosevelt's (blank) depended on a strong military to achieve U.S. goals

big stick" diplomacy

After the Spanish-American War, Cubans and Puerto Ricans

Had their rights restricted

How did the United States get access to the Canal Zone in Panama?

Backed Panama rebels

Favoring honorable diplomacy but still restoring to military intervention upon occasion would be an example of

moral" diplomacy

Who ran Mexico for decades as a dictator?

Porfirio Diaz