Progressive Era

Jane Addams

She created the Hull House in Chicago, a settlement house designed to provide slum neighborhoods with education, child care, and services.

Susan B. Anthony

She was one of the leaders of the women's rights movement and temperance movements, advocated the 19th amendment and arrested for trying to vote.

Anti-Trust Acts

These acts, led by Theodore Roosevelt, focused on dissolving unfair business consolidations or monopolies.

W.E.B. DuBois

This Progressive leader is credited with starting the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).

Eighteenth Amendment

This amendment was passed in 1919 to eliminate the consumption, manufacture and sale of alcohol.

Federal Reserve Act

This act, passed in 1913 by Wilson, established the central banking system through 12 central banks to serve as the "banker's banks" and manage the money supply.


This progressive era reform gives voters the right to introduce a bill in the state legislature.

Meat Inspection Act

This act (inspired by The Jungle) was passed in 1906 to require truthful labeling products to protect consumers.


Name for those who exposed abuses of industry, corrupt government and unregulated business & demanded reform.

National Park System

This system was established by Theodore Roosevelt under the Newlands Reclamation Act to preserve the natural scenery and wildlife for the American people. scenery and wildlife for the American people.

Nineteenth Amendment

This amendment was ratified in 1920 and granted women the right to vote.


This political party represented the "common man" (industrialists/farmers/miners), supported government intervention in business. In the 1896 election they supported WJ Bryan.


This party included mostly middle class citizens who felt threatened by the rise of big business. Their platform included political reforms, worker conditions and women's rights.

Pure Food and Drug Act

This act regulated the preparation of foods and the sale of medicines.


This progressive era reform gave voters the ability to remove an elected official from office in a special election.


This is a progressive era reform that allows a citizen to reject or accept a law passed by the legislature.

Seventeenth Amendment

This amendment was passed to fight corruption at the state level through the direct election of senators by the people.

Upton Sinclair

He was the author of The Jungle exposing the horrible conditions of the meat-packing industry.

Sixteenth Amendment

This amendment was ratified 1913 creating a graduated income tax

Ida B. Wells

During the Progressive Era, she became appalled by the lynching of three of her friends and she began an anti-lynching campaing. She would later go on to becme one of the founders of the NAACP and one of the first African American women to run for public

Frances Willard

She founded the Women's Christian Temperance Union. This group was concerned about the destructive effects of alcohol. This group would be instrumental in pushing for the 18th amendment that prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol.