US History - Midterm

middle passage

Navigation Acts

salutary neglect



French and Indian War

Great Awakening

Stono Rebellion

Sons of Liberty

Lexington and Concord

Common Sense

Declaration of Independence

Battle of Trenton

Battle of Saratoga

Treaty of Paris

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Three-Fifths Compromise

separation of powers

Bill of Rights


National Bank

XYZ Affair

Judiciary Act of 1789

Alien and Sedition Act

War of 1812

war hawks

Louisiana Purchase

cotton gin

McCulloch v. Maryland

Missouri Compromise


John C. Calhoun

Whig Party

Panic of 1837

Second Great Awakening


Underground Railroad

Seneca Falls Convention

Dorothea Dix

Gag Rule

Horace Mann

Sam Houston

Wilmot Proviso

Uncle Tom's Cabin

John Brown

Compromise of 1850

Fugitive Slave Act

Harriet Tubman

Dred Scott

Lincoln-Douglas debates

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Election of 1860

Fort Sumter

Battle of Gettysburg

Appomattox Court House


Emancipation Proclamation

total war

Thirteenth Amendment

Ten Percent Plan

Radical Republicans

Ku Klux Klan

Election of 1876


Sherman Antitrust Act

Interstate Commerce Commission

Ellis Island

Angel Island