Unit 6 Progressive Era

Ida Tarbell

wrote "A History of the Standard Oil Trust", a muckraker who exposed unfair practices of big businesses,

Upton Sinclair

wrote " The Jungle", a muckraker who showed the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry

William Tweed

A corrupt political boss in New York City.

Robert La Follete

A "progressive" who believed that public interest should guide government actions.


Journalists who exposed corruption in the hopes that changes would be made.

Lincoln Steffens

wrote "Shame of the Cities", a muckraker who wrote about political machines, corruption and voting fraud,

political bosses

Influential politicians who demanded payoffs from business and helped the poor to try to win votes.

Frances Willard

Wanted to ban the sale of alcohol

Teddy Roosevelt

President who supported conservation (saving) of natural resources, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and the Meat Inspection Act.

Woodrow Wilson

Set up the Federal Trade Commission to stop companies from using unfair business practices. He also set up the Federal Reserve Act.

W.E.B. DuBois

An African American who was a Progressive. He believed that all African Americas were entitled to equality through peaceful protest.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

Women who worked to obtain sufferage for women. Women in the West gained the right to vote in the west first because they had worked alongside the men settling in the western frontier.


A group of Mexican Americans who pooled their money for legal aid and to defend themselves against violence.

Spoils System

When unqualified people, friends of politicians, were receiving government jobs

Interstate Commerce Commission

This was in charge of the railroad industry. It enforced rules against pools and rebates.

Civil Service Commission

Created hiring practices based on merit rather than the spoils system

Wisconsin Idea

A change (reform) proposed by Governor LaFollette that gave voters more power in government.


Voters may remove an elected official from office


Allowed voters to propose a bill in the state legislature

Progressive Era

A time when reformers wanted to improve American life in the areas of government, business, and society.

Square Deal

Teddy Roosevelt's plan which meant equal opportunity for all Americans.

Direct Primary

Political parties elections that allowed voters to choose party candidates to run for elected offices

Federal Reserve Act

Passed under President Wilson. It involved having a system of banks controlling the national government.

Sherman Anti-trust Act

Passed in 1890. Was used to stop labor unions rather than going after trusts and monopolies.

Elkins Act

The act that ended rebates.

Clayton Anti-trust Act

This act resulted in major victories for labor unions.

Meat Inspection Act

Passed as a result of the book, "The Jungle". Meat packing plants were inspected to ensure meat was prepared in a sanitary environment

Labor Movement

Unions push for better wges and less hours

Municipal Reform

Changes in city governments that encourage honesty, fair utilities, and welfare services for residents, encouraged middle-class business development


Journalist who exposed corruption during the Progressive Era, 1890-1920

Child Labor Laws

Designed to protect children from unsafe working conditions, must be age 12 to work

Theodore Roosevelt

26th president, known for; conservationism, trust-busting, Hepburn Act, FDA, "Square Deal," Panama Canal, won a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiation of peace in Russo-Japanese War

Panama Canal

a ship canal 40 miles long across the Isthmus of Panama built by the United States (1904-1914)

Open Door Policy

A policy proposed by the US in 1899, ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.

Roosevelt Corollary

Addition to the Monroe Doctrine asserting America's right to intervene in Latin American affairs

Minimum wage

the lowest legal wage that can be paid to most workers

Hepburn Act

This 1906 law used the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate the maximum charge that railroads to place on shipping goods.

Alice Paul

Head of the NWO, National Woman's Party, campaigned for protecting women workers, women's right to vote, and an equal rights amendment to the Constitution.

Jane Addams

Suported the Settlement House Movement, Founded Hull House, provided English lessons for immigrants, daycares, and child care classes

Jacob Riis

Wrote, "How The Other Half Lives"; exposed the poor conditions of the poor tenements in NYC

Social Gospel Movement

a movement to help the poor by emphasizing the application of Christian principles to social problems

16th Amendment

Created federal income tax

17th Amendment

established the direct election of senators

18th Amendment

Banned the sale of alcohol

Hull house

Settlement house founded by Jane Adams in Chicago in 1889

19th Amendment

gave women the right to vote

Margaret Sanger

She organized a birth-control movement to in the 1920's.