AH Ch 21 - An Era of Protest and Change


group of people rebelling against tradition in the 1960's

Generation gap

lack of communication between adults and youth


a popular English rock band in the 1960's


small community of people who share resources


San Francisco district popular with the counterculture

Timothy Leary

former researcher who encouraged drug use


holds that men and women are equal politically, socially, and economically

Betty Friedan

-wrote Feminine Mystique;
-questioned the limited roles for women in society


-National Organization for Women;
-focused in part on protecting reproductive freedoms


-proposed Equal Rights Amendment;
-would guarantee equal rights for women

Gloria Steinem

-co-founder of Ms Magazine;
-worked to raise awareness of women's rights through the mass media

Phyllis Schlafly

worked to defeat an equal rights amendment for women

Roe v Wade

protected a woman's right to have an abortion

Cesar Chavez

organized a farm workers union to help protect exploited workers

Migrant farmworker

move from place to place in search of work


-United Farm Workers;
-implemented a workers' strike and consumer boycott of table grapes in the late 1960's
-union for Latino and Filipino farmworkers

Chicano movement

worked to increase Latino awareness of their history and culture


-American Indian Movement;
-founded by Chippewa activists to help Native Americans secure their legal rights

Japanese American Citizens League

-founded in 1929 to protect the Japanese Americans' civil rights;
-worked for decades to receive government compensation for property lost by Japanese Americans interned in camps during WW2

Ralph Nader

-a leader of the consumer rights movement;
-a lawyer who began to investigate whether flawed car designs led to increased traffic accidents and deaths
-worked to protect consumers from harmful products and unethical business practices

Rachel Carson

pointed out human actions were harming not only the environment but people themselves

Toxic waste

poisonous byproducts of human activity

Earth Day

-a nationwide protest meant to raise awareness of environmental concerns
-event promoting environmental protection, protesting environmental problems


-Environmental Protection Agency;
-government agency created to protect the environment

Clean Air Act

law requiring that factories and cars reduce their toxic emissions

Endangered Species Act

law protecting animals and plants in danger of extinction

This event helped create the counterculture of 1960's and 1970's

Vietnam War

Eastern Spirituality

one interest that defined the counterculture

The music and clothing industries market products for the counterculture because...

members of the counterculture represented a large consumer group.


defining characteristic of the counterculture provided the foundation for the various rights movements that followed it.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974

made it illegal to deny credit to someone because of gender

The women's movement caused...

the number of women in the workforce to double from 1950 to 2000.

Pink Collar Ghetto

-refers to the wage disparity between men and women,
-on average, men make more than women

This factor contributed to a rise in Latin American immigration in the mid 1900's

a growing demand for cheap labor in the US.

In 1969, American Indians occupied Alcatraz primarily to...

call attention to broken treaties.

Consumer advocacy efforts resulted in...

more workplace safety regulations.

Special Olympics

benefited people with disabilities

Clean Water Act

law requiring factories and farms to reduce water pollution

1962 publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

Congress responded by restricting the use of DDT

Richard Nixon

-encouraged Congress to create the EPA and signed a number of environmental laws,
-the environmental protection movement was supported by the public


-established by Congress because of the Love Canal contamination and other events involving hazardous waste;
-to clean up toxic wastes

Some conservatives opposed environmental regulations because...

they worried that the laws would hamper business.

Baby boom generation valued...

youth, spontaneity, individuality, and spirituality

The sexual revolution of the 60's and 70's...

individuals talked openly about sex

The second wave of feminism was different from the first wave because...

women wanted full equality with men, not just the right to vote.

People with disabilities gained expanded civil rights through...

laws that guaranteed them equal access to education.

Catastrophe at Three Mile Island

pointed out the hazards of nuclear reactors.

The deaths of Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix lead to the end of the counterculture movement because...

young people realized that drugs were deadly.

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966

recognized the right of consumers to buy safe cars

General pattern in women's participation in the labor force

as women's roles have expanded, more women have entered the workforce

Industrial pollution had become a problem in the middle of the 20th century because...

few people had anticipated environmental problems.

The restart of the women's rights movement in the 60's and 70's was helped by...

the civil rights movement.