Chapter 6-10

In the early 1800s, the Mississippi River was important because it

served as a major highway for trade

The Louisiana Purchase initially presented a dilemma for President Thomas Jefferson because he believed it would

violate his strict constructionist view of the constitution

The principle goal of the supporters of manifest destiny was to

expand United States territory to the Pacific Ocean

The foreign policies of President James Polk involving Texas, California, and the Oregon territories were all efforts to

fulfill the goal of manifest destiny

What would be the best title for this map?

Us expansion

The Louisiana Purchase was important to the United States because it

secured control of the Mississippi River

Which term refers to the idea that settlers had the right to decide whether slavery would be legal in their territory?

popular sovereignty

In the 1850s, the phrase "Bleeding Kansas" was used to describe clashes between

proslavery and antislavery groups

Which situation was the most immediate result of Abraham Lincoln's election to presidency in 1860?

Southern states succeeded from the union

The statement reveals president Lincoln's support for

a fair and generous peace

The Reconstruction plans of President Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson include a provision for the

resumption of full participation in congress by Southern states

What is the main idea of this cartoon from the reconstruction period?

Southern society was oppressed by Radical Republican policies

Which congressional action led to the Southern viewpoint expressed in this cartoon?

military occupation of the former confederate states

What was a common purpose of the amendments added to the United States constitution between 1865 and 1870?

granting rights to African Americans

The underlying reason for the impeachment of Andrew Johnson was

a power struggle with congress over reconstruction

What affect did the system of share cropping have on the after the Civil War?

It kept formally enslaved persons economically dependent

During reconstruction, the Black Codes passed by Southern states were attempts to

deny equal rights to African Americans

Booker T. Washington stated that the best way for formerly enslaved persons to advance themselves in American society was to

pursue economic gains through vocational training

In Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896), the supreme court ruled that

racial segregation was constitutional

The most direct effect the poll taxes and literacy tests on African Americans was to

prevent them from voting

The principal reason congress raised the tariff rates in the early 1900s was to

protect the United States from foreign competition

One reason John D. Rockefeller, Andrew, Carnegie, and John Pierpont were sometimes called robber barons was because they

used ruthless business tactics against their competitors

In the late 1800s, the theory of laissez-faire capitalism was used by many industrialists to

Argue against government regulation of business practices

A goal of the Granger and Populist movement was to

help Western farmers fight unjust economic practices

During the late 1800s, presidents and governors most often used military force during labor conflicts as a way to

support industrialists and end strikes

What is the main idea of this cartoon of the 1800s?


The Amercian Federation of Labor responded to the situation shown in the cartoon by


In the late 1800s, fee and unlimited coinage of sliver was supported by farmers primarily because they hoped this policy would

increase crop prices and make it easier to repay loans

The national income tax, free and unlimited coinage of sliver, and the direct election of senators were proposals that were included in the

populist party platform

The Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act were attempts by congress to

limit the power of the Bureau of Indian Affairs

A major purpose of the progressive movement was to

correct the economics ans social abuses of industrial society

During the early 1900s, the term muckrakers was used to describe

writers who expresses the evils in American society

The common purpose of these legislative acts was to

promote the general welfare of the American public

Which conclusion about women's suffrage is best supported by the information in the chart?

Before 1919, many of the Western states had granted women the right to vote

During the early 1900, the initiative, recall, and refedum were changes in many states to give

voters greater direct participation in government

President Theodore Roosevelt's policy regarding big business was to

distinguish between "good" and "bad" trusts

A graduated (progressive) income tax is based on the idea that tax rates should

rise as individual or business incomes rise

President Woodrow Wilson supported creation of the federal reserve in 1913

regulate the amount of money in circulation

when the Federal Reserve Board lowers interest rates, it is most likely attempting to

stimulate consumer spending

During the progressive era, an amendment to the United States constitution provided for greater representative democracy by changing the method of selecting the

members of the United States senate

During the late 1800s, a major affect of industrialization on workers in the United States was that

Skilled craftsmen were replaced by unskilled workers

The idea expressed in this statement is most consistent with

The principals of social Darwinism

Between 1870 and 1920 the federal government placed relatively few restrictions on inner gyration primarily because it wanted to

Ensure that there would be workers for factories

Between 1880 and 1920, the majority of the "new immigrants" to the United States came from

Southern and eastern europe

The expire cue of most of the "new immigrants" who arrived in the us in the late 1800s and early 1900s was that

They lived in urban areas and most held low-paying jobs

The speaker expressing the melting pot is

Our nation has grown and prospered from the ideas and labor of immigrants. The nature has been enriched by immigrants..

Speaker D, "immigrants arrive in American cities poor and frightened. They are helped to find jobs and housing. These new comers should show their graffitied at voting time

An opinion most likely to be that of a political party boss

The Chinese exclusion act and the gentlemens agreement with Japan are examples of

Actions that reflected unexplored nativist sentiment

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, many members of congress supported legislation requiring literacy tests for immigrants in an attempt to

Restrict immigrants from southern and Eastern Europe

The passage if the Daves act in 1887 was primarily an attempt to

Encourage native Americans Indians to give up their traditions and cultures