history ch 7

Who called for african americans to 'pull themselves up from their own bootstraps'?

Booker T. Washington

Whites accused Chinese workers on the west coast of what?

Taking ''white'' jobs

some african american leaders responded to segregation by?

educating themselves and writing pamphlets

W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington

Desagreed over whether achieving equality was the burden of the nation or of african americans

The chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Prohibited chinese laborers from entering the country

Unlike african american men women in the late 1800s

did not have the legal right to vote

What did Du Bois view as the key to ''everything''?


With which other reform leader did du bois most agree?

Ida B Wells

Which of the following occurred in 1898

Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota set maximum rates for shipping and grain storage

Which of the following occurred in 1848

Chinese Americans won protection of their citizenship

Which gilded age president was known for his integrity?

Grover Cleveland

After the civil war farmers debt

Increased as a result of falling crop prices

What event did the populist party suggest would raise crop prices

the coinage of free silver

Farmers opposed the gold standard because they claimed that it would do what

cause prices for their crops to decline

What event encouraged president arthur to pursue civil service reform

assassination of president garfield

The spoils system made political parties more powerful by

Filling important government positions with party supports

harvard graduate who criticized booker T Washington ideas

W.E.B Du bois

tool used to prevent african americans from voting by charging them money

poll taxes, literacy tests, and the grandfater clase

political group that demanded free silver and government ownership of railroads

Populist party

Democratic presidential candidate who supported free silver

William jennings Bryan

organizations that brought farmers together to form farm cooperatives

Soouthern farmers alliances

Republican winner of the 1896 presidential election

william mckinley

group of mexican americans who fought to protect land claims

las goras blancos

schoolteacher, jounalis and anti- lynching activist

Ida B. Wells

legislation meant to segregate blacks and whites

De facta segregation

founder of an organization that taught farmers new farming techniques


Identify three magor problems faces by farmers after th cibil war.

-green backs are discontinued
-the conies act of 1873 allows only gold coins to be melted