The American Revolution-Section 2 Quiz

Congress approved the ____ which proclaimed that the colonies were free from British rule.

H. Declaration of Independence

The Patriot army fighting near Boston was a ____ that included farmers who became soldiers to fight the British.

F. Militia

____ drafter the Declarration of Independence.

A. Thomas Jefferson

The new Continental Army was commanded by ____.

G. George Washington

____ were colonists who supported Britain during the war.

D. Loyalists

The Declaration of Independence claims that people have ____ that cannot be taken away by any government.

B. Natural Rights

Fighting began in Lexington and Concord when British troops..

C. Came to arrest colonial leaders and take colonial weapons.

Loyalists believed Patriots..

A. Were breaking the law.

Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' inspired colonists by..

D. Rejecting class structure and privilege.

The Declaration of Independence was written to...

B. Explain why colonists were angry with British rule.